Health & Medical: Clearing Up the Fog of Misconceptions About Liposuction

Clearing Up the Fog of Misconceptions About Liposuction

Perhaps more than any other cosmetic surgery procedure, liposuction seems to languish in a gloomy fog of misconceptions. Ever since the first London liposuction clinic opened in the 1980s, aesthetic surgery experts have been trying ...

Health & Medical: Abdominoplasty: Get Rid Of Your Flabby Tummy

Abdominoplasty: Get Rid Of Your Flabby Tummy

Abdominoplasty, otherwise known as the tummy tuck, is one of the oldest cosmetic surgery procedures and has certainly gained plenty of popularity in recent years. And it is popular with both men and women. While ...

Health & Medical: The Concept Of SmartLipo

The Concept Of SmartLipo

SmartLipo involves utilizing a laser during liposuction surgery. SmartLipo works by placing a very narrow cannula carrying a laser fiber beneath the skin. The cannula is carefully and precisely positioned to direct the laser's energy straight onto the fat cells that need to be removed. This mak

Health & Medical: Facial Liposuction Combined With Neck Lift

Facial Liposuction Combined With Neck Lift

Facial liposuction is a great way to remove the unattractive bulges resulting from excess fatty adipose tissue in the aging face. As a person gets older, fat begins to accumulate in the jowls and neck ...

Health & Medical: How Long Do Breast Implants Last?-

How Long Do Breast Implants Last?-

The lifetime of your breast implants determines the time between when you have your breast augmentation surgery and when you will have to have them removed.

Health & Medical: Cosmetic Surgery and Its Benefits

Cosmetic Surgery and Its Benefits

We board a competitive society wherever wanting our greatest encompasses a direct result on our personal and business relationships. Even as we tend to head to the gymnasium and set up our diets to feel ...

Health & Medical: Your Options For Eye Surgery Other Than LASIK Surgery

Your Options For Eye Surgery Other Than LASIK Surgery

There are many technologically advanced eye surgery options present nowadays which consists of eye surgeries for reforming the eye surface through different techniques like LASIK and PRK and other methods, like implantable lenses for eyesight ...

Health & Medical: Scrub Tech Definition

Scrub Tech Definition

Wondering what a scrub tech is, and what a surgical scrub does? Learn about surgical scrub technicians, what they do in surgery and how they function in an operating room.

Health & Medical: Popular Non-Invasive Cosmetic Treatments for Men

Popular Non-Invasive Cosmetic Treatments for Men

Wrinkle and hair removal treatments among the male population are on the rise. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, over 390,000 males underwent Botox treatments in 2012, a 7% increa

Health & Medical: Liposuction: Cosmetic Only or Associated Cardioprotection?

Liposuction: Cosmetic Only or Associated Cardioprotection?

Liposuction is commonly performed in the United States for cosmetic remodelling. Since it removes fat and reduces waist size, it has been suggested that this surgery should have cardiometabolic benefits. However scientific data suggests that cardiovacular benefits from this surgery are minimal.

Health & Medical: Everything You Need to Know About Getting Liposuction

Everything You Need to Know About Getting Liposuction

Is liposuction the right procedure for you? In 2013, liposuctions replaced breast augmentations as the most popular cosmetic procedure, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reported.

Health & Medical: Natural Alternative to Breast Enlargement

Natural Alternative to Breast Enlargement

While breast enlargement surgery is common, many women do not want, or cannot afford, this type of surgery. Instead, many women look to more natural ways to enlarge the breasts, by using noninvasive, inexpensive alternatives. From supplement pills to massages and creams, there are a number of natura

Health & Medical: Male Breast Enhancement is Becoming Increasingly Popular Among Males

Male Breast Enhancement is Becoming Increasingly Popular Among Males

Male breast enhancement means altering a man's breasts "mainly through use of surgeries" in order to suit different purposes. This process that is technically known as gynecomastia is a problem that many modern males are facing and who generally turns to surgical methods in order to e

Health & Medical: Can Zoft Gum Really Enhance A Woman's Breasts?

Can Zoft Gum Really Enhance A Woman's Breasts?

For many women, small or unattractively shaped breasts are a major source of genuine insecurity and emotional distress. And until now, breast enhancement solutions required expensive and frequently dangerous cosmetic surgery.