Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Clearing Up the Fog of Misconceptions About Liposuction

Perhaps more than any other cosmetic surgery procedure, liposuction seems to languish in a gloomy fog of misconceptions. Ever since the first London liposuction clinic opened in the 1980s, aesthetic surgery experts have been trying to break the stigma that has been attached to this procedure. If you are one of the many people lost in the fog of myths surrounding liposuction, it is about time to come back into light once and for all.

Liposuction Is an Easy Way to Lose Weight

This is one of the biggest and most persistent misconceptions that has surrounded liposuction since its inception. It is understandable that people are always looking for easy ways to lose weight. Yet excessive overall weight should not be immediately treated by a London liposuction clinic, but by the individual's effort to improve their eating and physical activity habits. As we know working out and dieting are really difficult to get under control and it takes a great amount of self-discipline for overweight people to get in shape, as evidenced by the deepening obesity crisis in the whole Western world, including the UK. Yet cosmetic surgery should be a last resort in terms of general weight loss. More extensive liposuction can be utilised to reduce an individual's weight more significant but should only be considered for this purpose when serious attempts at diet and exercise have failed and the patient's health is at risk as a result of their weight.

Generally, liposuction is designed for those people in generally good shape who have particular problem areas of localised stubborn fat deposits which persist despite a generally healthy lifestyle.

Liposuction Is Too Expensive

Many people who could otherwise benefit from liposuction tend to eschew it because they believe that it is too expensive. Granted, there is a cause for concern, but if you actually do the research yourself, the costs you are imagining are probably much higher than they are in reality. Since cosmetic surgery is rarely covered by the NHS, costs have decreased significantly in recent years in order to make the procedures more competitive and accessible. In the UK the price of liposuction depends on a number of factors, including the treated body area, the technique used and the prestige and reputation of the London liposuction clinic and surgeon carrying out the procedure. Typically, however, the price varies between 2000 and 5000. Taking into account the long-term benefits patients receive from the procedure, this price is considered as reasonable and affordable by the vast majority of people opting for liposuction.

Liposuction Is Just for Women

Last, but not least comes the major misconception that liposuction is a procedure primarily for women. While for various reasons cosmetic surgery is more popular amongst women, there is a growing number of men who are beginning to avail of this procedure. Appearance is just as important for men as it is for women and there is absolutely no reason to believe that liposuction is a female-only procedure.

These are just three of the most popular myths surrounding liposuction. There are many other misconceptions about the procedure, so a piece of advice for everyone considering it, is to do their own research before coming to any conclusions in regards to liposuction. For matters that require expertise, book a consultation with a qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeon at a reputable London liposuction clinic.
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