Health & Medical: Women and Drug Abuse

Women and Drug Abuse

According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, more than 4 million women use drugs today in America. In the past year alone, 9 million women used drugs illegally and another 50% of all women between the ages of 15 to 44 will try drugs at least once in their lifetime.These troubling numbers are c

Health & Medical: It is Possible For an Addict to Change

It is Possible For an Addict to Change

Are you or someone you know addicted to any drugs or alcohol, or anything else, for that matter, and wonder if it is possible for an addict to change? Well, there is good news for you and your spouse or friend that is an addict.

Health & Medical: Major Signs Of Addiction

Major Signs Of Addiction

A lot of folks use the word "addiction" more than it really ought to be used. We tend to assert to be "addicted" to everything from chocolate to action films and everything in between. However ...

Health & Medical: Feel Free To Quit Smoke With Silver Surfer Vaporizers

Feel Free To Quit Smoke With Silver Surfer Vaporizers

The silver surfer vaporizer is one of the best vaporizer which satisfies every user with its great features. It has the excellent qualities of sleek design, superb colours, best effect, delicious taste etc, which has the capability to attract the clients.

Health & Medical: Inpatient Drug Rehab and the Best Drug Addiction Treatment

Inpatient Drug Rehab and the Best Drug Addiction Treatment

The problem of drug addiction is posing a major threat to the modern society these days. In fact, the point is that these days the problem of drug addiction has increased to such an extent that there is no certainty who would be the next victim to the addiction of some sort of drugs or the other. Ot

Health & Medical: After Stopping Smoking - How Will I Feel After Stopping Smoking?

After Stopping Smoking - How Will I Feel After Stopping Smoking?

If you've just stopped smoking or are getting ready to you're probably wondering how you're going to feel after stopping smoking. What physical changes can you expect? Will you be climbing the walls? When will you start to feel like you've really really stopped? You will go throu

Health & Medical: How Do You Know If You're An Alcoholic?

How Do You Know If You're An Alcoholic?

There is no test for alcoholism. Only you can say you're an alcoholic. But there are signs that pop up when someone is a problem drinker. This article explores some of those signs and discusses one option for recovery.

Health & Medical: How to Organize an Intervention

How to Organize an Intervention

These are very basic ideas to help guide you in your approach to doing an intervention, or in hiring an interventionist. Every intervention is vastly different,because every situation is very different. Keep things as simple as possible. My number is at the bottom of this page and you can also email

Health & Medical: Drug Relapse - The Two Main Causes

Drug Relapse - The Two Main Causes

Scenario: The drug addict decides he has had enough. No more drugs, no more drinking, it is time to change. Whether through a professional detox program or just sweating it out on his own, he stops taking drugs.

Health & Medical: Raising Taxes Lowers Drinking Rates

Raising Taxes Lowers Drinking Rates

With the health effects of excessive alcohol consumption costing society millions in additional healthcare expenses, one tool lawmakers have to reduce drinking rates is to increase the price of alcoholic beverages by raising taxes, research shows.

Health & Medical: Quitting Smoking - Immediate Rewards of Quitting the Habit of Smoking

Quitting Smoking - Immediate Rewards of Quitting the Habit of Smoking

Quitting smoking is not as easy as it sounds but if a smoker is determined to do it, immediate rewards await him. These benefits will be noticed right away and can greatly improve an ex-smoker's daily life. Whatever it takes therefore to get rid of the smoking habit, you must do it with determi

Health & Medical: Prescription Medicine for the Addict - A Good Idea?

Prescription Medicine for the Addict - A Good Idea?

For the addict, one of the most difficult and most rewarding things he or she can do is admit there is a problem. To make the commitment to enter rehabilitation takes a determination and courage that precludes successful treatment. Addiction to drugs and/or alcohol is more than just a condition, it

Health & Medical: Drug Addiction Treatment Center: What To Expect

Drug Addiction Treatment Center: What To Expect

If you're considering going to a drug addiction treatment center, then you might be wondering what you can expect. While all of these vary with how they are run, there are a lot of similariti

Health & Medical: Looking For A Way To Quit Smoking Easy? Take It Easy!

Looking For A Way To Quit Smoking Easy? Take It Easy!

Looking for a Way to Quit Smoking Easy? Take it easy! Social attitudes towards smoking have changed dramatically in civilized countries for the past few years. All smokers are aware of these and are continuously looking for a way to quit smoking easy, just like you!