Health & Medical: My Review - Leimo Hair Treatment Pack Works!

My Review - Leimo Hair Treatment Pack Works!

I've read people's opinions about Leimo online which instinctively scared me away from it. I don't want to waste money or anything, but I just gave it a thought one day and finally decided to ...

Health & Medical: Balding Spots - Winning Tactics For Getting Your Hair Back

Balding Spots - Winning Tactics For Getting Your Hair Back

I don't know a thing about you, but I bet the fact that you have balding spots on our hair is putting a damper on your life. Well what if I told you that there are treatments available that have been proven to help regrow hair where balding spots develop? This article discusses the few treatmen

Health & Medical: Hair Transplantation- Some Tips For Patients

Hair Transplantation- Some Tips For Patients

Even though technical advances have been made in the field of surgical treatment of hair transplantation many problems still arise. Majority of problems arise when doctors recommend surgery for the patients who cannot withstand it.

Health & Medical: How to Make Black Male Hair Curly

How to Make Black Male Hair Curly

Many black men have curly hair only immediately after it has been washed. As soon as the hair dries, the hair reverts to its natural kinky state. If you want to keep your curly look, you will have to chemically alter the hair's wave pattern. When properly maintained, your curly hair will last four t

Health & Medical: If Your Hair Loss Was Caused By Your Diet Would You Want To Know?

If Your Hair Loss Was Caused By Your Diet Would You Want To Know?

If you were starting to lose your hair, or were already the proud owner of a large bald patch and it was caused mainly by a poor diet would you want to know about it or would you prefer to carry on regardless and let hair loss continue to ruin your looks? Most people shy away from the truth, did you

Health & Medical: Ways to Do Your Hair for Ethnic Hair

Ways to Do Your Hair for Ethnic Hair

With an hour or two of your time and the right products, you can achieve a glamorous style for your ethnic hair.Beautiful black woman image by MAXFX from Fotolia.comThere is no shortage of ways to style your ethnic hair. With an hour or two of your time and the right products, you can...

Health & Medical: Female Hormonal Hair Loss - What Causes it and What Can Be Done About It?

Female Hormonal Hair Loss - What Causes it and What Can Be Done About It?

Female hormonal hair loss is a big problem. Everyone associates hair loss with men but in fact there is actually 1 in 4 women that suffer hair loss in one form or another, and while some of the hormonal loss can be temporary for others it is permanent. Temporary female hormonal hair loss for instanc

Health & Medical: How to choose clinically proven hair loss treatment

How to choose clinically proven hair loss treatment

Hair is really an important factor that determines our personality. A head full of healthy and shining hair can add to your style quotient while allowing you to experiment with different hair styles a

Health & Medical: Tips for Purchasing a Curling Iron

Tips for Purchasing a Curling Iron

Purchasing a new curling iron seems like a simple thing to do. You simply drop into your nearby drug store or big-box variety goods store and grab one off a shelf. But if you stop and think about thes

Health & Medical: Wayne Rooney Hair Transplant story

Wayne Rooney Hair Transplant story

Ace footballer Wayne Rooney made it quite clear that he had a hair transplant surgery, twice actually and he is happy with the results, and it idolizes the scenario when a good hair day does mean a lo

Health & Medical: How to Find the Best Hair Removal Products Online

How to Find the Best Hair Removal Products Online

Many people have been looking for hair removal products for quite some time and have not had much luck. This is not a good thing because nobody enjoys shaving all the time are dealing with getting wax treatments. Plus the laser hair removal treatments are incredibly expensive. This makes for a probl

Health & Medical: Hair Loss; its causes and remedies

Hair Loss; its causes and remedies

Most commonly appeared hair loss that becomes causes of great concern is Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) or Androgenic alopecia. More than 95% of men facing baldness fall under this category.

Health & Medical: Hair Style Questions and Answers

Hair Style Questions and Answers

Afro relaxed fleece breaking?i relaxed my hair for the first time in 3 months but it didn't work vastly well so i relaxed it again 3 weeks later in the region of a week ago. for the past few

Health & Medical: Hair Loss in Women Who Suffer From Vitamin Deficiency

Hair Loss in Women Who Suffer From Vitamin Deficiency

When taken in the right balance, vitamins can keep the body in a healthy condition and their deficiency may also lead to hair loss. One of the key ingredients that your hair requires is appropriate nutrition.

Health & Medical: Best Hair Growth Products

Best Hair Growth Products

It is hard to imagine that the best hair growth products have come out of prescription medications that were originally formulated to lower blood pressure, and from the health food industry formulating organic natural herbal supplements. But the hair rejuvenating industry primarily consist of hair r

Health & Medical: Rogaine Hair Loss Products Review

Rogaine Hair Loss Products Review

Most populace consider as hair thinning is just a fact of life - but that's not the case anymore.Thanks to the miracles of science that develops newer and improved ways to stimulate your hair follicles so that you're safe from hair loss for longer then you can imagine...