Cars & Vehicles: How to Calculate Auto Sales Tax for a Resident of Arizona

How to Calculate Auto Sales Tax for a Resident of Arizona

Each state has its own sales tax rate, and the rate can vary based on the type of product being purchased. In Arizona, a sales tax is not collected on the vehicle purchase but rather a Vehicle License Tax is levied against the vehicle. the tax The tax rate will vary based upon whether it is a new or

Cars & Vehicles: Stop Getting Ripped Off At The Auto Lot

Stop Getting Ripped Off At The Auto Lot

Do you regret your last auto purchase deal? Our expert tips can help you save a lot more money and feel more satisfied with your car buy!

Cars & Vehicles: Tips Before Buying a Car

Tips Before Buying a Car

A car costs thousands, and most likely tens of thousands of dollars, and it needs to be reliable because it provides transportation for its owner(s). You need to prepare for this major purchase so that you get a reliable vehicle at a fair price. You can eliminate a lot of potential problems if you d

Cars & Vehicles: Too Many Cars for Sale: A Look at Today's Most Popular Vehicles

Too Many Cars for Sale: A Look at Today's Most Popular Vehicles

To prospective buyers, it may occasionally seem as though there are too many cars for sale all over the television and the Internet. Finding the right vehicle can be a difficult choice, especially when the market is saturated with them. Let's take a look at some of the most popular choices in v

Cars & Vehicles: Know About Japanese Engines

Know About Japanese Engines

There are many companies which manufacture cars. People like to use different kinds of cars which are made by different car manufacturing companies.

Cars & Vehicles: How to Buy a Car From a Rental Company

How to Buy a Car From a Rental Company

Rental cars have a reputation for being abused, which makes some people wary of buying one. However, the reputation is exaggerated, and rental car sales are in fact a legitimate and growing business. Rental cars do have abusive drivers on occasion, but they are well-maintained by the rental company

Cars & Vehicles: Revised Hurricane Sandy Numbers for Damaged Used Cars

Revised Hurricane Sandy Numbers for Damaged Used Cars

e National Insurance Crime Bureau has released updated numbers for the used cars damaged by Hurricane Sandy and the statistics demonstrate one thing: be careful buying used cars from New York and New Jersey.

Cars & Vehicles: Fuel Efficient Used Cars $8000-$10,000

Fuel Efficient Used Cars $8000-$10,000

Are you ready to move to a fuel-efficient used car that is reliable, affordable and relatively new? These 14 fuel-efficient used cars that cost from $8000-$10000 in price range from 1999 to 2006 and represent the best of what manufacturers have to offer. A wide variety are represented that should me

Cars & Vehicles: How Does Kelley Blue Book Price Used Trailers?

How Does Kelley Blue Book Price Used Trailers?

What It's ForKelley Blue Book is a company that specializes in determining the values of vehicles. Originally, it focused on used cars, but nowadays it determines the values of recreational vehicles, campers, motorcycles, trailers and other vehicles. Kelley Blue Book prices new and used...

Cars & Vehicles: Looking For The Best Door Glass Mobile Service

Looking For The Best Door Glass Mobile Service

Auto windscreens are often less likely to get repaired than other things on a car. As opposed to the engine of a automobile, automobile windshield and other auto glass breakage can exist while the auto ...

Cars & Vehicles: Car Purchasing Tips Through Used Car Dealers

Car Purchasing Tips Through Used Car Dealers

Are you looking for buying a used car? Then you need to first go via valuable suggestions provided by car or truck dealers that are bound to increase your purchasing encounter. Before beginning your research ...

Cars & Vehicles: How to Buy OEM Interior Fabric

How to Buy OEM Interior Fabric

While it may be possible to get a close match on car upholstery fabric, an exact match requires original equipment manufacturer, or OEM, fabric. OEM assures the buyer the fabric was made by the original manufacturer and will be the same as the fabric installed in the car on the assembly line. You ca

Cars & Vehicles: Part and Equipment Industry Timeline

Part and Equipment Industry Timeline

Olds and Ford - In his book "American Automobile Manufacturers: The First Forty Years," author John B. Rae distinguishes between "the men whose approach to automobile manufacturing was from the engine to the vehicle rather than from the vehicle to the engine." While many early au

Cars & Vehicles: How to Compare New Car Warranties

How to Compare New Car Warranties

When considering the purchase of a new car or truck, it's important to consider the warranty that is offered with the car. From time to time, companies change the details of their new car warranty programs. In the case of competition between brands, the companies might increase the time or mileage r

Cars & Vehicles: Car Dashboard Functions

Car Dashboard Functions

One of the key features of the car dashboard is the speedometer.Car dashboard image by Andrejs Pidjass from Fotolia.comWhether you're a novice or experienced driver, you must pay attention to your car's dashboard functions to keep track of important information about your car. The items...

Cars & Vehicles: How to Have Hydraulics Added to Your Car

How to Have Hydraulics Added to Your Car

There's a growing community of enthusiasts doing all sorts of things to their cars, from adding chrome wheels to hydraulics that make the cars jump. If you want to go the ultimate and have your car dance, here's how.

Cars & Vehicles: How to Find the Salvage Value of a Car

How to Find the Salvage Value of a Car

"Salvage value" refers to the value of an asset after its useful life. It is commonly used to find the depreciation value or expense. With cars, this process can sometimes be challenging, as cars have varying degrees of useful lives depending on maintenance. The best course of action is to assess th

Cars & Vehicles: Buying Used Hondas

Buying Used Hondas

I am not a mechanic but I have a lot of experience buying used Hondas. I have owned about 12 different used Hondas (one was brand new) and I know what to look for. The first thing to look at is abuse.

Cars & Vehicles: How to Determine Market Value of an Automobile

How to Determine Market Value of an Automobile

If you're buying a vehicle or getting ready to sell your own, it's important that you determine what the fair market value of the automobile is. A car's market value is based on comparison pricing for similar vehicles and the car's condition. But how do you compare pricing and determine a car's valu

Cars & Vehicles: How to Sell a Car in Boston

How to Sell a Car in Boston

When looking to sell a car, having a big market of potential buyers is important. This is why, when selling in a big city such as Boston, there are several platforms on which to sell your automobile. In Boston, however, the challenge becomes where to sell the car and how to find the best deal. There