Cars & Vehicles: Saving Cash by Purchasing Pre-Owned Cars

Saving Cash by Purchasing Pre-Owned Cars

With an economy that is slowing down, many people are looking for ways of saving cash. In order to make sure buyers are making cash for cars, many of the people are choosing second hand cars. Many of the drivers seeking for an opportunity to buy vehicles are foregoing the dealership lots.

Cars & Vehicles: Isuzu Impulse History

Isuzu Impulse History

With its dart-shaped body and sleek details, the Isuzu Impulse is a rare sight these days. Known as the Piazza in other markets, Isuzu's first serious sports car has been all but forgotten by many American enthusiasts, but it is a car worth remembering, regardless of its low production numbers.

Cars & Vehicles: Cars for Sale: Tips to Navigate You to a Great Deal

Cars for Sale: Tips to Navigate You to a Great Deal

So you have decided: you are buying a new car. But where do you start? You drive past car dealerships everyday but which one is best for you? And which model of a specific make? The Internet is a great way to search for cars for sale and navigate between all the offers.Africa has great car sale webs

Cars & Vehicles: Get the Most Amazing Used Caravans in Your Budget Now

Get the Most Amazing Used Caravans in Your Budget Now

The beauty of living in a digital age is that there is a solution for almost everything. One needn't even go around looking for solutions, really. There is everything ready to be taken home just ...

Cars & Vehicles: Save With a Used Car Checklist

Save With a Used Car Checklist

It's common knowledge that buying a used automobile can sometimes be like gambling. However following the steps of a used car checklist is one of the best ways to protect your money and minimize risk. ...

Cars & Vehicles: How to Buy a Honda CRV

How to Buy a Honda CRV

The Honda CR-V is not a new Honda model. It has been sold for over ten years to consumers across the country. This particular vehicle is classified as an SUV, but it has a car-based design and sedan-like feel, according to The main highlights of the Honda CR-V are its passenger room and

Cars & Vehicles: Tips on Buying a Used Car From a Private Seller

Tips on Buying a Used Car From a Private Seller

When you're in the market for a used car, you may be able to get a better deal from a private seller than from a dealer. Private sellers are often hoping to sell their cars quickly and with as little hassle as possible, so they are often willing to deal. They may also be trying to unload a lemon, so

Cars & Vehicles: Car Dealers SEO - Blueprint of Online Success for Automotive Dealers

Car Dealers SEO - Blueprint of Online Success for Automotive Dealers

If you are a dealer in the know, you are aware that 80% plus of your car buyers are doing their research online first before ever emailing, calling or stepping foot in your showroom. What will they think of your dealership if they can't find you through a simple Google search? Or worse, if they

Cars & Vehicles: How to Determine Actual Cash Value for a Used Car

How to Determine Actual Cash Value for a Used Car

Actual Cash Value (ACV) is a term that can have different meanings depending on the situation. ACV is often used by car dealers to set the value of a customer's trade in. ACV is also commonly used in reference to the value of a damaged vehicle. By weighing the ACV against the damage repair estimate

Cars & Vehicles: How to Buy Junk Cars in Murrieta, California

How to Buy Junk Cars in Murrieta, California

Junk cars provide a unique problem for vehicle owners in that they are large, mostly immobile and not usually in high demand. Junk cars become junk cars because they are either old, do not run, have been wrecked or a combination of the above factors. There are several types o

Cars & Vehicles: Repossessed Car Auctions Guide for Beginners

Repossessed Car Auctions Guide for Beginners

Joining some repossessed car auctions [] is probably the best for you to be able to have your own automobile. As you already know, during these times, it is no longer important that you have ...

Cars & Vehicles: Why It Isn't Easy to Shop for Used Cars in Gordonsville Virginia

Why It Isn't Easy to Shop for Used Cars in Gordonsville Virginia

The town of Gordonsville, Virginia has a rich and fascinating history, because its location was strategically important during the Civil War. It is a charming small town with many attractions such as historical sites and restaurants that may be fun to visit, however, it is not the best place to shop

Cars & Vehicles: Car Invoice Vs. MSRP

Car Invoice Vs. MSRP

Buying a new car can be overwhelming when you want to be sure you get the best possible price. You may have heard of the invoice price and the MRSP, but if you don't know what they are and what they mean, you won't be able to calculate a fair price for the vehicle. However, if you educate yourself a

Cars & Vehicles: How to Calculate a Lease Money Factor

How to Calculate a Lease Money Factor

In order to determine they monthly payment amount for an auto lease, a car dealership will compare the current value of a car versus its projected value at the end of the lease term. In order to simplify the subsequent lease calculation, however, the dealer expresses the monthly interest rate as a "

Cars & Vehicles: The Alternatives to Rental Cars

The Alternatives to Rental Cars

Consider an alternative to a traditional car rental.Modern leather interior of the new car image by terex from Fotolia.comRenting a vehicle can be expensive, especially if you need it over an extended period of time. If you are staying in an area less than a year or need occasional...

Cars & Vehicles: Balloon Payments and Residual Values Explained

Balloon Payments and Residual Values Explained

When negotiation a car loan with your financier, one of the important decisions faced with is whether you wish to have a 'Residual Value' or 'Balloon Payment' on the loan. These terms, which are essentially the same thing, are very often grossly misunderstood by consumers and des

Cars & Vehicles: Buying Used Cars vs. Leasing

Buying Used Cars vs. Leasing

With depreciation hanging like a dark cloud over new car purchases, cost-saving deals provide smart alternatives to eager car buyers. Car buyers now have the option to either buy a used car or lease any ...