Business & Finance: How to Find a Loan After a Bankruptcy

How to Find a Loan After a Bankruptcy

If you have filed a Bankruptcy and now need a loan then you may be nervous about getting approved. One of the hardest things to deal with is the aftermath of a bankruptcy because you are picking up the pieces and trying to have a fresh start. This can be a time for you to regroup your financial life

Business & Finance: Avoid Bankruptcy by Using Imaginative Ways

Avoid Bankruptcy by Using Imaginative Ways

Debt negotiation and debt consolidation are two ways many consumers in Oregon are dealing with debt problems. Through these programs, many have avoided bankruptcy and they are no longer affected by debt issues.

Business & Finance: Does Alabama Law Allow Wage Garnishment?

Does Alabama Law Allow Wage Garnishment?

In an action to recover a debt, a creditor must sue the debtor and obtain a judgment declaring that the debtor owes the creditor a sum of money. The court will order the defendant to pay the creditor. If the defendant does not pay, the creditor may need to seek garnishment. Alabama law allows credit

Business & Finance: How to Declare Bankruptcy in South Carolina

How to Declare Bankruptcy in South Carolina

Bankruptcy helps people manage their finances by eliminating or restructuring overwhelming debts. In South Carolina, individuals can choose to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy to completely get rid of their debt or Chapter 13 bankruptcy to repay all or a portion of their debt. Bankruptcy courts are federal

Business & Finance: Personal & Small Business Accounting Programs

Personal & Small Business Accounting Programs

Personal and small business accounting programs take the hassle out of maintaining your finances by providing a range of features to track, organize and manage your money. Individuals and small business owners have a range of options to choose from when shopping for accounting software, ranging from

Business & Finance: Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Information - How To Have Your Cake And Eat It Too!

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Information - How To Have Your Cake And Eat It Too!

Gone are the days when a home owning debtor could stop foreclosure on his home by simply filing for bankruptcy, thanks to the changes made to the bankruptcy law in the year 2005. It is certainly possible for a creditor to cite non-payment of mortgage and attempt to recover the money by foreclosing t

Business & Finance: Basics of Filing For Bankruptcy

Basics of Filing For Bankruptcy

Cases filed in a bankruptcy court are termed as Bankruptcy cases. These courts in real terms are a part of the District Courts of The United States. Proceedings in bankruptcy courts are governed by the Bankruptcy Rules which were promulgated by the Supreme Court under the authority of Congress.

Business & Finance: Do I Qualify for Bankruptcy?

Do I Qualify for Bankruptcy?

The moment a person ultimately get to the point monetarily that they feel as if they're going to smother on the bad debts which are piling up all around them, they start to ask themselves, ...

Business & Finance: The Power of the Bankruptcy Automatic Stay

The Power of the Bankruptcy Automatic Stay

Whenever a personal bankruptcy case has been filed, no matter under which aspect of the bankruptcy law the automatic stay will immediately take effect. This stay will halt any act to get or to try to obtain either money or any other property, no matter if it is real assets or any personal assets fro

Business & Finance: Why Should the Consumer Bankruptcy Laws Be Revised?

Why Should the Consumer Bankruptcy Laws Be Revised?

The consumer bankruptcy laws of this country were revised just 4 short years ago in a sweeping bit of reform legislation under the Bush administration. The laws were championed by the credit card companies and other creditors as a way of guaranteeing they would not be left holding the bag of people

Business & Finance: How to File Bankruptcy After Losing a Lawsuit

How to File Bankruptcy After Losing a Lawsuit

Bankruptcy proceedings allow an insolvent person or company to have many debts forgiven while also preventing collection activities on these debts. In the case of a lawsuit in which the individual cannot pay the final judgment amount, relief from the judgment can be sought under Chapter 7 bankruptcy

Business & Finance: How Can I Avoid Bankruptcy?

How Can I Avoid Bankruptcy?

I am not a debt councilor just a reasonable, fair minded and mature individual who has had more than his own share of financial problems.No normal individual wants to declare themselves bankrupt but sometimes 'clearing the decks' does enable individuals to channel their efforts and thought

Business & Finance: Understanding Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Understanding Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy filing is for individuals in the United States to undergo a financial reorganization, which is supervised by a Federal Bankruptcy Court. Read on to know about what you should do if your lawyer suggested filing your bankruptcy case under the Chapter 13.

Business & Finance: FAQs on Filing for Bankruptcy in Texas

FAQs on Filing for Bankruptcy in Texas

Filing for bankruptcy can be a confusing and complicated process, especially if you plan to file without the assistance of an attorney. In Texas, you may file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy protection, depending on your situation. Chapter 7 allows you to erase your debts entirely, while Chap

Business & Finance: Sell Your Home Fast in Provo

Sell Your Home Fast in Provo

Are you in need of fast cash? Do you consider selling your home as a means to pay off your debt? Many people are faced with financial burden and difficulties when it comes to their ...

Business & Finance: The Filing Fee for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

The Filing Fee for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is a court supervised process in which a debtor's assets are either reorganized or sold in order to satisfy debts. Because bankruptcy can have severe long-term ramifications on a debtor's ability to borrow money and can negatively affect a career, bankruptcy is usually a last resort. Chap

Business & Finance: The Hidden Costs of Bankruptcy

The Hidden Costs of Bankruptcy

Some people who find themselves deep in debt feel that the only way out is filing for bankruptcy.This, however, is a very serious matter and is not a decision that should be made rashly.The debt elimination benefits of bankruptcy come at a high price.

Business & Finance: Being Harassed at Work by a Collection Agency

Being Harassed at Work by a Collection Agency

Lenders or service providers pass your account to a collection agency when you fail to make your payments. The collection agency's job is to collect the money you owe and they do this by contacting you through mail and over the telephone. Contact at work can be particularly troublesome if your emplo

Business & Finance: Bankruptcy Can Be An Economic Stimulus For Those In Serious Debt

Bankruptcy Can Be An Economic Stimulus For Those In Serious Debt

Over the past few years most Americans have heard of all the bailouts that banks are getting. Even going further than that the federal government came up with a stimulus package to supposedly stimulate the economy but all it did was give the money to large corporations for their pet projects without