Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

The Complex War of Cancer - Why We"re Not Winning?

The fatal effects of cancer definitely drive us into a perplexing stage of distraction. Yes, all our viewpoints are likely to tremble as we keep on fighting this detrimental health issue. It seems that cancer's wrath has definitely created an isolated cord of fuss in our society.

Apparently, we've already imprinted in our thoughts that this dreaded disease is the greatest villain in our lives. But beyond that realization, we still remained incapable of defying its ever-extending deadly fury.

Yes, we are definitely still at the bay of this €War for Cancer€ pursuit. We are not taking a single step ahead or any edges despite our advanced fancy instruments and highly modernized technology. Why? Is there something we are currently lacking of? Technically, we have...

We are not winning the cancer war?

€Our methods are not powerful enough.€

Every year, new method, therapy, formula or any forms or types of cancer counterattack apparatuses are presented in the market. Obviously, health experts across the globe have been doing their best to prevent the impact of cancer. There's no doubt on that.

These professionals proved their dedication to the war by creating numerous inventions - aiming to thwart cancer. But something is still wrong. We are still missing the defense and offense. We're not gaining control.

What is wrong with our current methods?

€Not looking at different angles.€

Have you realized why some of your health problems keep on coming back? Well, it may sound hard to analyze, but the truth is, because you're just focusing on the solutions to heal you rather than focusing why it came to you!Same with the cancer war, our health experts are giving more time in formulating healing methods instead of finding the reasons of its causes.

What would be the best technique?

€It depends. But it would be better to scrutinize some causes of cancer.€

Along the years of studies, researches, and experiments, our skillful oncologists found out multiple causes of cancer. There are reasons which are obvious like unhealthy lifestyle or diet.On the other hand, there are also unnoticeable factors like the side effects of products we apply in our body. The most underrated possible cause of cancer is what they call as (Electromagnetic Field) EMF Radiation.

What is EMF Radiation?

EMF radiation obviously came from electromagnetic energy. This energy is yielded by mobile phones, electricity cables, electric appliances and overhead power lines. Research shows that EMF radiation is a possible cause of cancer. Although, there is still no conclusive link that would firmly support the claim, some experts truly believe that this could be the reason why we're still not winning the battle against this formidable disease.

According to the researchers of Childhood Cancer Research Group of the University of Oxford, 16,500 children diagnosed with leukemia since the 1990's are those who are living within a kilometer of overhead power lines! However as further studies went through, there was no concrete evidence gathered that would support the risk of EMF radiation to leukemia as well as other types of cancer.

As to some EMF-believers, denying the hazardous effects of electrosmog or EMF radiation, is the reason why we are not still winning the cancer war.
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