Health & Medical Medicine

Collagen metabollism on wound care treatment

Collagen is the fibrous structural protein in that makes up the white fibres of skin, muscle, bone, sinew, and all connective tissues. It is also found spread in gel of the whole body to deliver thickening, it is the fibrous connective tissue that grips our body together. The multi-cellular organisms present by collagen.

Wound will occur partial wideness loss of dermis offering open ulcer with a red pink when the shallow open without slough. Hypodermal fat will be visible when the full thickness tissue loss, sinew or muscles are not exposed.


          Collagen initiate in rubbery tissues such as skin, muscles and tendons, as well as in the bones. Collagen is vital for strengthening blood vessels and giving skin its springiness and strong suit. The poverty of collagen causes folds and other skin issues.

Collagen has very good flexible strength - it is one of the long fibrous essential proteins that give cells structure from the outdoor, as well as subsidiary the popular of the body tissues. An Amino acid, Collagen is made from the Amine (-NH2) and carboxylic acid (-COOH) useful groups. The main fundamentals of collagen are oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon.

In human body collagen is major insoluble protein it's one of the most important one in human body. The thickness of skin will loss stage collagen is used to regenerate the tissues and skin. Collagen consist of major three stages they are type I, type II and type III collagen. Type II & III collagen didn't use for animals and humans in chance if its use to human means its danger. But type I collagen 97 % pure collagen it's having from human body and animals.

Wound Its Types

          A wound is damaged our body it is a common term that denotes to harm affected by accidents, weapons, hits, falls and etc. I U.S millions of peoples affected themselves every year theses injury range happen on major two places one is working place another one is playing somewhere indoor or outdoor, while driving time or joking around the street.

During the wound happen the body skin and other body tissue will be break and happen scratches, scrapes, cut and punctured skin. Small minor wound usually not serious, but it is must to clean them. Serious and infected wound means we have to take first aid depend upon the wound






            In every human body skin have three types they are epidermis, dermis and hypodermis in upper parts what are all the problems will occur in collagen and wound. Now I will tell the solution about those problems in because the person have injured in any of them body means upon to these skin types any one will be damaged.

Its minor injury means no problems it wills easily curable otherwise it's so difficult and it take more time to cure. That's why we introduced one product that is Advanced Biotech product. Its type one collagen product they are few types Healicoll and Hemocoll.

Healicoll is sheet like product if the skin will be break somewhere it's will be placed in to particular area and dressing it after 3 to 4 weeks proper dress that sheet will be make it as a skin. And Hemocoll is like a power like content it will spread in during the operation period they have chance to clout the blood and blood flowing on that time this power like mixed in to the salt like water and mixed like a gum and apply it. So use this product its very useful to you and solved your all needs thank you.
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