Smoking is a habit that has been inculcated in the mind and body over years.
It is definitely hard to quit smoking after years of indulging in the habit.
Buying a guide that will tell you how to go about your quest of stopping the smokes, may not be exactly the best approach to do stop smoking.
Let me first illustrate what you can expect from a quit smoking guide.
A guide will tell you the following things.
It will give you a plan that you can use to start your attempt.
The plan will include a few tips and will tell you to make a list of goals with dates marked on them.
The goals will be to reduce your no.
of cigarettes from say 10 to 8 in the first week, then to 4 in the second week and then eventually to zero in the third week.
Now this is just an example, but this is what you can expect from a guide.
The guide will include tips for situations where you are prone to smoking.
It will tell you to buy some products such as nicotine patches and gums, thus making you shell out more of your money.
It will tell you how to cope up with the body changes that you can expect after you stop smoking.
Now, do you really need all this to quit smoking? Studies have shown, time after time that those who quit cold turkey are able to quit for the longest period of time.
If you don't know what cold turkey means, it means to quit smoking suddenly without the help of any aids.
Cold turkey might be the hardest way to quit smoking but it is also the most effective way to do so.
Smoking cessation isn't a skill or a secret technique that you need a guide to learn.
It is something that can only be achieved by determination.
A guide can only give you tips, which you probably already know.
Nicotine addiction is only 10% physical and 90% psychological.
It is easier to bring down your no.
of cigarettes per day, but it is harder to go to zero.
If you follow a guide, you will be surprised to see how fast you go back to smoking, even if you are able to quit smoking in the first place.
To quit smoking is easy, but to sustain the abstinence is the hardest part.
Only those with great determination are able to do it.
So, if you are serious about quitting then I would suggest you go with you go with a much better way to quit smoking.
And that way is to use your will power and determination.
Once you truly quit, you will realize that you are not a smoker anymore and all the craving and temptation for a cigarette will disappear like it never existed.
It is definitely hard to quit smoking after years of indulging in the habit.
Buying a guide that will tell you how to go about your quest of stopping the smokes, may not be exactly the best approach to do stop smoking.
Let me first illustrate what you can expect from a quit smoking guide.
A guide will tell you the following things.
It will give you a plan that you can use to start your attempt.
The plan will include a few tips and will tell you to make a list of goals with dates marked on them.
The goals will be to reduce your no.
of cigarettes from say 10 to 8 in the first week, then to 4 in the second week and then eventually to zero in the third week.
Now this is just an example, but this is what you can expect from a guide.
The guide will include tips for situations where you are prone to smoking.
It will tell you to buy some products such as nicotine patches and gums, thus making you shell out more of your money.
It will tell you how to cope up with the body changes that you can expect after you stop smoking.
Now, do you really need all this to quit smoking? Studies have shown, time after time that those who quit cold turkey are able to quit for the longest period of time.
If you don't know what cold turkey means, it means to quit smoking suddenly without the help of any aids.
Cold turkey might be the hardest way to quit smoking but it is also the most effective way to do so.
Smoking cessation isn't a skill or a secret technique that you need a guide to learn.
It is something that can only be achieved by determination.
A guide can only give you tips, which you probably already know.
Nicotine addiction is only 10% physical and 90% psychological.
It is easier to bring down your no.
of cigarettes per day, but it is harder to go to zero.
If you follow a guide, you will be surprised to see how fast you go back to smoking, even if you are able to quit smoking in the first place.
To quit smoking is easy, but to sustain the abstinence is the hardest part.
Only those with great determination are able to do it.
So, if you are serious about quitting then I would suggest you go with you go with a much better way to quit smoking.
And that way is to use your will power and determination.
Once you truly quit, you will realize that you are not a smoker anymore and all the craving and temptation for a cigarette will disappear like it never existed.