A teen can earn a reward for positive behavior or by changing negative behavior. While you should not feel that you have to ?pay? for everything your teen does, reinforcement of positive behavior will help ensure it continues. Plus, it feels good to give your teen a reward. It shows that you are paying attention when your teen is being good and not just when he/she does something wrong.
- A hug
- A subscription to a magazine
- A sleepover with a friend
- Inviting a friend out for dinner
- Movie tickets
- One hour extended curfew
- Computer time
- Sleeping in one morning
- Free picture developing
- Changing their room around
- Concert tickets
- Make teen?s favorite meal or dessert
- Car privileges, getting the keys for extra time
- Having a cell phone
- New tool for their hobby
- Having friends over to watch movies, play games, hang out, etc.
- A new book
- Clothing gift-card and a ride to the store
- Free pizza ? homemade or take-out