The best way to learn how to win at FishVille, a popular social networking game, is to decide on a specific strategy and stick with it.
When filling your tank with the latest, most exotic fish, pay attention to their feeding schedule and the amount of time it takes for them to mature.
If you are purchasing fish that mature quickly and need to be fed often, choose a time when you will be online so that you can provide them with food during each growth cycle.
Once the fish are in your tank, you can use your mouse to roll over them to see their individual information.
NOTE: There is now a HIBERNATOR! In case you are away for awhile, hibernators will freeze your fish to slow them down so they will not get hungry and do not need to be fed as often.
The percentage of their maturation and the amount of time left for them to be a full grown adult is provided.
This also holds the fish still so that you do not need to chase it across the screen.
If you want to learn how to win at FishVille, it is all in the timing.
A successful breeder will have a tank that has short-term and long-term fish.
The short-term fill will allow you to build coins quickly.
Coins allow you to purchase additional fish as well as plants and decorations to enhance your aquatic environment.
Before purchasing fish, consider the return value on your investment.
Some fish can be purchased for 15 coins and sold for 38 by the time they reach age one.
While others can be purchased for 48 coins with a return of 120 when sold at age one.
Many of the fish double in value with every age they mature before being sold.
This is important to your strategy when deciding how to win at FishVille.
How quickly you sell your fish depends on your strategy.
If your coins are building and you would like to buy more fish, there must be room in the tank.
Too many long-term fish means that to get your maximum return you must be patient.
You can feed and play with them, increasing coins and experience points until fully matured.
If your coins building fast enough, you will know that some of these fish do not fit with your strategy on how to win at FishVille.
Once sold try new types of fish.
Their maturation rate and sell price is included in the information is shown on their tag.
Inviting friends, sending gifts and helping them clean their tanks will increase points and coins so that you can work to become a Master Breeder.
When filling your tank with the latest, most exotic fish, pay attention to their feeding schedule and the amount of time it takes for them to mature.
If you are purchasing fish that mature quickly and need to be fed often, choose a time when you will be online so that you can provide them with food during each growth cycle.
Once the fish are in your tank, you can use your mouse to roll over them to see their individual information.
NOTE: There is now a HIBERNATOR! In case you are away for awhile, hibernators will freeze your fish to slow them down so they will not get hungry and do not need to be fed as often.
The percentage of their maturation and the amount of time left for them to be a full grown adult is provided.
This also holds the fish still so that you do not need to chase it across the screen.
If you want to learn how to win at FishVille, it is all in the timing.
A successful breeder will have a tank that has short-term and long-term fish.
The short-term fill will allow you to build coins quickly.
Coins allow you to purchase additional fish as well as plants and decorations to enhance your aquatic environment.
Before purchasing fish, consider the return value on your investment.
Some fish can be purchased for 15 coins and sold for 38 by the time they reach age one.
While others can be purchased for 48 coins with a return of 120 when sold at age one.
Many of the fish double in value with every age they mature before being sold.
This is important to your strategy when deciding how to win at FishVille.
How quickly you sell your fish depends on your strategy.
If your coins are building and you would like to buy more fish, there must be room in the tank.
Too many long-term fish means that to get your maximum return you must be patient.
You can feed and play with them, increasing coins and experience points until fully matured.
If your coins building fast enough, you will know that some of these fish do not fit with your strategy on how to win at FishVille.
Once sold try new types of fish.
Their maturation rate and sell price is included in the information is shown on their tag.
Inviting friends, sending gifts and helping them clean their tanks will increase points and coins so that you can work to become a Master Breeder.