Conversion service is the key factor in developing highly customized and accessible websites. PSD to HTML and PSD to XHTML are mostly used conversion solutions of the industry to create powerful and flawless web portals. These two conversion solutions are having their own significances in developing websites. Businessmen are using both services according to their requirement and preferences. Although there is not a big difference in both services but in certain features they differ from each other.
Dissimilarity between PSD to HTML and PSD to XHTML
In short both PSD to HTML and PSD to XHTML are consistent conversion services. It depends on the individual to choose the one matching his requirements. Another important think is choosing a reliable and experienced conversion company who can provide you full fledged and technically strong web portals. Your web pages must be SEO friendly, cross browser compatible and W3C standard valid that can be accessed without facing any glitches.
Dissimilarity between PSD to HTML and PSD to XHTML
HTML is based on SGML which allows removing tags but XHTML is based on XML which do not allow removing any tags. Tags play important role in define the web pages set-up and in fixing their functionalities. IF tags are used properly on the web layouts then they give excellent performances on browsers.
HTML allows using features minimization but XHTML strictly disallow using of features minimization. You can apply minimization by omitting tags, shortening tags, grouping tags and using automatic tag reorganization. XHTML follows strict rules of W3C coding in this case and not use feature minimization option.
In XHTML all elements are closed properly but in HTML elements are not closed properly. So XHTML based web pages are having more consistency then PSD to HTML.
HTML is less strict then XHTML. It follows strict coding rules for developing web layout. Even a minor mistake is not acceptable with XHTML coding.
HTML coding is very complex while XHTML easy to understand and learn. It is following a certain set of rules that is easy to use. While HTML is a traditional coding style which is having confusing codes.
XHTML coding provides web pages which are compatible with all major browsers while HTML coding faces glitch with some browsers.
While using XHTML you can use short hand notations while they are not allowed in HTML. That why XHTML are preferred by developers to build websites.
XHTML provide well structured web layouts in comparison to HTML coding. They make web pages visually appealing and managed.
In short both PSD to HTML and PSD to XHTML are consistent conversion services. It depends on the individual to choose the one matching his requirements. Another important think is choosing a reliable and experienced conversion company who can provide you full fledged and technically strong web portals. Your web pages must be SEO friendly, cross browser compatible and W3C standard valid that can be accessed without facing any glitches.