Emily's Experience in Dharamsala, India.
Emily is originally from Brooklyn, NY. She received her bachelors degree in 2003 from SUNY New Paltz and her masters in International Education from NYU in May of 2008. Emily spent 6 wks in Dharamsala in Cross-Cultural Solution's (CCS) internship program.
If you had only one piece of advice for students looking to do an internship or volunteer experience abroad, what would it be?
DO IT! Having an international internship experience is invaluable for job searching no matter what your field of study. Students like me who are involved in international development can really gain amazing insight through exposure to other cultures and other walks of life; but students from all departments from medicine to math to social work can reap huge benefits both personally and professionally.
Tell us a little bit about how you went about finding an opportunity (volunteer or internship) abroad and how you decided that CCS was the best choice for you.
I looked at a variety of short-term service options including ones that I designed myself and ones that were offered through other organizations. I surfed the internet and bought all sorts of books with titles such as "Volunteer Vacations" and "Living Abroad". There are many excellent opportunities out there but what really drew me to CCS was the structure and comprehensive nature of the programs in the country.
CCS leaves nothing to chance in their planning.
All CCS staff are from the local community, and they provided my meals, transportation, health insurance, security and based my placement on my interests, they even gave me a t-shirt so I would recognize other volunteers at the airport as well as the drivers! They also help you plan free-time around the country for your days off and each day, they provide cultural and learning activities during your free time
Please discuss a little bit about your experience as a CCS volunteer.
I worked teaching English at a Girl's Primary School in Dharamsala, India. I worked with another volunteer and we designed and implemented all of the lessons ourselves. This was a huge challenge but taught me so much about being reliant on myself for answers and to understand the new and different challenges that were put forth to me.
I loved working with the kids and the teachers were so interested in the methods and new skills we brought to the classrooms; by the end of my 6 weeks there, we were able to get them to play some of the games with us! It was amazing to see the different methods employed by the teachers and administrators at my school and how lessons were taught with such different resources than I was used to.
Do you think your CCS volunteer experience abroad will have a positive impact on your job search or career options? How?
My experience certainly enhanced my career path and very much re-affirmed my goals and values. I had been working towards a Master's degree in International Education and having now completed that degree I am working within my field. My time in India shaped me as a person and still affects my world view and interactions. I talk about my experiences all the time and am so grateful to have had the time there. Interning in a foreign country teaches you a new kind of work ethic and how to truly respond to challenges. Working closely with people in unfamiliar surroundings has taught me how to adjust to different cultures and settings and to be flexible and adjust to challenges. I believe this new global awareness has given me an edge in my professional life.
Would you recommend this program to your friends?
I recommend CCS all the time! I am always telling people about the experience and how it is so life changing to have that time in a foreign culture.