Currently, the official story on cancer hyped by the medical/pharmaceutical establishment's progenitors the Cancer Research division and the aid of their sponsored mainstream media goes like this: "We're still trying to find that elusive holy grail, the cure for cancer...
One day we'll crack it, but in the meantime send in your much needed donation...
" Any genuine cancer researcher listening to his/her heart would realize that cancer research deliberately operates on a greatly controlled and limited paradigm approach which is a massive deception because this limitation suits a handful of individuals in high places to continue to make lots of money by not finding a solution: If a solution was found then that would mean cured patients no longer needing treatment and money lost in treatment sales.
Therefore, this in effect puts profits over the genuine welfare concern of people.
The government are quite happy to keep the status quo because they too continue to make lots of money from revenues...
Cancer Research in its limitation does not take the holistic approach focussing on the mind-body-spirit connection for cancer prevention/reversal.
That's because this involves a number of cheap, natural health approaches that would indeed severely compromise the medical/pharmaceutical establishment's profit machine.
And that's not all.
Anyone found practising alternative natural health based holistic medicine regardless of how successful the treatment is for curing cancer could well find themselves in deep trouble with the big boys of the medical/pharmaceutical establishment.
They could face seizure of equipment, charges of illegal practice ultimately leading to imprisonment...
just for saving lives.
To avoid this some have emigrated and set up practices in other countries like Mexico where the laws don't apply.
From the holistic natural health perspective the key to cancer prevention/reversal exists in 4 life-saving factors.
I would not guarantee long-term success in staying cancer-free if ANY these 4 factors are ignored.
They make up the very fabric of our very existence, but the dunces of the Cancer Research establishment pay little or no attention to these things.
They are: 1.
Dietary - Good wholesome natural non-processed organic food at least 80% raw 2.
The mind-body-spirit connection 3.
Exercise regularly and...
Toxicity - Avoidance of both chemical and electromagnetic toxins The purpose of his article is not to go into the ins and outs of the above.
I have written a lot about these factors in previous articles.
It is up to the reader to enquire...
However, I have found that generally, the more committed a person is to enquiring into the nature of what makes us healthy with respect to those above 4 factors the more likely he/she will find the key to longevity.
Happy enquiring!
One day we'll crack it, but in the meantime send in your much needed donation...
" Any genuine cancer researcher listening to his/her heart would realize that cancer research deliberately operates on a greatly controlled and limited paradigm approach which is a massive deception because this limitation suits a handful of individuals in high places to continue to make lots of money by not finding a solution: If a solution was found then that would mean cured patients no longer needing treatment and money lost in treatment sales.
Therefore, this in effect puts profits over the genuine welfare concern of people.
The government are quite happy to keep the status quo because they too continue to make lots of money from revenues...
Cancer Research in its limitation does not take the holistic approach focussing on the mind-body-spirit connection for cancer prevention/reversal.
That's because this involves a number of cheap, natural health approaches that would indeed severely compromise the medical/pharmaceutical establishment's profit machine.
And that's not all.
Anyone found practising alternative natural health based holistic medicine regardless of how successful the treatment is for curing cancer could well find themselves in deep trouble with the big boys of the medical/pharmaceutical establishment.
They could face seizure of equipment, charges of illegal practice ultimately leading to imprisonment...
just for saving lives.
To avoid this some have emigrated and set up practices in other countries like Mexico where the laws don't apply.
From the holistic natural health perspective the key to cancer prevention/reversal exists in 4 life-saving factors.
I would not guarantee long-term success in staying cancer-free if ANY these 4 factors are ignored.
They make up the very fabric of our very existence, but the dunces of the Cancer Research establishment pay little or no attention to these things.
They are: 1.
Dietary - Good wholesome natural non-processed organic food at least 80% raw 2.
The mind-body-spirit connection 3.
Exercise regularly and...
Toxicity - Avoidance of both chemical and electromagnetic toxins The purpose of his article is not to go into the ins and outs of the above.
I have written a lot about these factors in previous articles.
It is up to the reader to enquire...
However, I have found that generally, the more committed a person is to enquiring into the nature of what makes us healthy with respect to those above 4 factors the more likely he/she will find the key to longevity.
Happy enquiring!