Cars & Vehicles Safe Driving & Driving Test Techniques

What are the Causes of Car Starting Problems?

    • Car-starting problemsbreakage image by Rina from

      There are many reasons why your car may not start. If you are having car trouble or simply want some useful information for the future, check out these three common causes of failed car starts, along with methods for avoiding disaster and steps to take if your car has failed.

    Broken or Damaged Timing Belt

    • Timing belt problemstiming belt image by Albert Lozano from

      Broken or damaged timing belts often cause your car to die. According to, you may be able to recognize a bad timing belt. If you hear hissing, grinding, growling, rattling, chirping, squealing, or rumbling noises, there's a good chance your timing belt is damaged. If you hear these sounds you want to take your car to a professional mechanic as soon as possible. If the belt actually breaks, many shafts and gears and pistons will turn out of sync, causing damage to parts and eventual engine failure. By continually trying to start a car with a broken or damaged timing belt, you run the risk of damaging additional parts, thereby increasing your eventual repair bill.

    Dead or Dying Car Battery

    • Car battery problemsdead battery image by Katrina Miller from

      If you turn your key in the ignition several times to start your car, there's a good chance your battery is near death. According to, the three biggest causes of dead batteries are "leaving your lights on, not maintaining your battery properly with the correct water levels (for older maintenance batteries), and breakdown of the diode bridge or voltage regulator in your alternator." It is possible to restart your battery with jumper cables connecting your battery to another functioning battery. If your battery is cracked and leaking fluids, do not attach jumper cables, because the current mixed with the exposed liquids will cause an explosion.

    Damaged Fuel Pump

    • Fuel pump problemsfuel empty image by glgec from

      According to automotive diagnostics and repair at AA1CAR.COM, if you are having trouble starting your car, if your car misfires or has a rough idle, hesitates or stalls, there's a good chance your fuel pump is damaged. Left unchecked, an absence of fuel pressure will lead to your car not starting at all. Fuel pumps, like timing belts, often are located in awkward locations, so having the pump replaced by a professional may be your only realistic option. When replacing the pump you also might want to consider replacing the fuel filter, which usually costs only a couple of dollars.

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