Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Home Treatment for Heartburn - 6 Proven Natural Treatments of Heartburn

Looking for a home treatment for heartburn? You might have tried acid blockers and antacids but found that they only treated your symptoms temporarily.
Fortunately, natural treatments of heartburn are more popular than ever, and for good reason - they work.
Natural treatments don't just hide the symptoms, like medications.
Instead, they treat the root causes of the symptoms.
This method is much more effective and long lasting.
What's more, home remedies work in a fast, safe and powerful way.
I'll tell you about 6 of the most effective natural cures in just a moment.
What Causes Heartburn? Stomach acid usually stays inside the stomach to digest the foods you eat.
But when that acid leaks out into the esophagus, you feel a burning sensation and even a sharp pain in your chest.
These are the most common symptoms of heartburn.
Chronic heartburn is known as acid reflux, or GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease).
There are two main causes for this: the stomach lacks acid or it contains too much acid.
Either way, your diet is critical to treating and naturally curing your heartburn.
6 Easy Ways of Curing Heartburn 1.
Eat smaller meals more frequently.
Instead of 3 large meals, start eating 4-6 smaller meals.
This will give your system enough time to digest the food and not get overwhelmed.
Think about dropping harmful habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol.
Quitting will lower the acid levels in the body and help your organs function better.
Eat less acidic foods.
Many foods high in acid are also full of sugar in lack nutrition.
Including more alkaline foods in your diet will bring you closer to a natural cure.
Eat more alkaline foods.
You will be less likely to suffer heartburn and your immune system will be stronger, which will fight other health problems.
Drink enough water every day.
Get around 6-10 glasses of water between meals each day.
For the first few days, drink less water during meals until your heartburn improves.
You should drink about half of your total body weight in ounces a day.
For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, drink 75 ounces per day.
The extra water charges up your metabolisms, purifies your system and improves digestion.
Light exercise can help relieve all forms of digestive diseases.
Just minutes a day of moderate physical activity, such as walking and stretching, will boost your circulation and digestive muscle movement so your food will digest easily.
These natural treatments will help your burning, chest pain and choking from heartburn.
Plus, you will feel better physically and mentally.
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