Ideas are these little wisps of nothing that you can neither pin down or hold up.
Great ideas always come to you while you are in a completely different mode and when you have no access to pen and paper to write them down.
Since inspiration always hits at weird times then daily journaling will give you better access to recall those great ideas and moments of pure inspiration.
Mental Housecleaning The act of writing will help you clear out your head and help you to focus on the aspects of your life that you really care about.
You can't come up with very inspirational or great ideas when you're repeating how difficult or stressful your life is right at this moment.
To paraphrase Einstein, you cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.
Meaning that you have to move past how the problem came to be to in order to find a solution to it.
Using your journal to express yourself, you rev up those creativity neurons which spill from one subject to another.
Ideas come from thoughts and the more thoughts you have and the more you go with the flow of your thoughts, the more ideas you will generate.
This is the basic concept of brainstorming.
But if you don't take the time to put this mental energy into physical form where you are able to review it, you might be passing up on excellent ideas.
Keeping a journal can nip this negative habit and form a more positive one.
Transferring Ideas from One Source to Another Many times we can't come up with new ideas for two reasons.
First, is that we are caught in a mental block caused by stress and secondly, because we are stuck in a certain kind of thinking pattern.
The mind has to be relaxed in order for it to produce something original.
When you are feeling stressed, those thoughts can't get through the traffic jam of negativity.
Worry and stress are imagination in a negative mode.
You can't just turn that train of thinking around in mid-thought so you need to get used to writing in your journal where you can get better focus and dump the trash of negativity that you feel prisoner to.
Then you can open the flow of better thoughts and thus new ideas.
To get unstuck from a certain thinking pattern transfer your creative idea energy from one subject to another through your journal.
For example, you might be creative about how to clean up a room and writing about it will spark those creative thoughts.
Once this source of creativity is tapped into you can then apply it to another subject where you have had less creative success.
Keeping a journal through both of these processes will enhance your ability to create new and hopefully better ideas.
So start keeping a journal to clear your mind and discover where ideas come from: flowing thoughts and relaxed creative energy.
Great ideas always come to you while you are in a completely different mode and when you have no access to pen and paper to write them down.
Since inspiration always hits at weird times then daily journaling will give you better access to recall those great ideas and moments of pure inspiration.
Mental Housecleaning The act of writing will help you clear out your head and help you to focus on the aspects of your life that you really care about.
You can't come up with very inspirational or great ideas when you're repeating how difficult or stressful your life is right at this moment.
To paraphrase Einstein, you cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.
Meaning that you have to move past how the problem came to be to in order to find a solution to it.
Using your journal to express yourself, you rev up those creativity neurons which spill from one subject to another.
Ideas come from thoughts and the more thoughts you have and the more you go with the flow of your thoughts, the more ideas you will generate.
This is the basic concept of brainstorming.
But if you don't take the time to put this mental energy into physical form where you are able to review it, you might be passing up on excellent ideas.
Keeping a journal can nip this negative habit and form a more positive one.
Transferring Ideas from One Source to Another Many times we can't come up with new ideas for two reasons.
First, is that we are caught in a mental block caused by stress and secondly, because we are stuck in a certain kind of thinking pattern.
The mind has to be relaxed in order for it to produce something original.
When you are feeling stressed, those thoughts can't get through the traffic jam of negativity.
Worry and stress are imagination in a negative mode.
You can't just turn that train of thinking around in mid-thought so you need to get used to writing in your journal where you can get better focus and dump the trash of negativity that you feel prisoner to.
Then you can open the flow of better thoughts and thus new ideas.
To get unstuck from a certain thinking pattern transfer your creative idea energy from one subject to another through your journal.
For example, you might be creative about how to clean up a room and writing about it will spark those creative thoughts.
Once this source of creativity is tapped into you can then apply it to another subject where you have had less creative success.
Keeping a journal through both of these processes will enhance your ability to create new and hopefully better ideas.
So start keeping a journal to clear your mind and discover where ideas come from: flowing thoughts and relaxed creative energy.