If you stop and watch the ants, you would notice how they form a line and walk towards the food.
It's interesting to observe how they behave.
Whenever something blocks their way, they either continue to march over, under or around it.
Now, for humans, it is also in our nature to get around anything that blocks us.
Like ants, we are by nature problem-solvers, although the problems we solve are way more complex than that of ants'.
Researches have been made to elevate the quality of life of humans.
We even try to solve the Global Warming crisis to further progress civilization.
In some ways, problems are good to test our strength of character.
Without encountering problems, we would not have the need to discover great things like cure for certain disease.
But along with these great inventions are negative by products such as nuclear weapons, etc.
In connection, this relates to online accounts and profiles.
Your profile can be openly read by anyone.
For example, you are applying for a job.
Before the Human Resource Officer hires you, he can scan through your profile to check your photos, interests or hobbies, etc.
What you have uploaded in your account can make or break you.
What he perceives you to be based on your profile can help him decide whether to give you the job or not.
We need to be careful with online accounts and keep a little privacy for ourselves.
Try to keep a clean and nice account so that you will not be negatively misjudged.
And also try not to join any questionable pages or groups.
Be yourself but come clean and decent.
Now, in connection with the ants, social media users have a solution to avoid this problem.
You can have more than one online account.
You can make one to market yourself for employers and for formal communication and another account for close family and friends.
Usually, the social media users use their real name on the formal account while they use a nickname for the informal one.
This is a smart way to maintain both online privacy and social networking.
It is usually long-lasting and it keeps you out of trouble.
If you don't have a pleasing behavior, this may help you from negative feedback and it may lessen people seeing your undesirable behavior.
However, managing two accounts can be confusing at times.
You need to be careful to hit the right buttons when posting.
Keep in mind which account you want to safeguard and which account you can be free to post.
Today, although we try to keep things simple, we have not been so successful because things get more complicated.
The same with our goal to achieve computerization, we have placed ourselves in situations where we not only work longer hours and less efficiently, but we also miss the value of why we are doing things.
Think of the people who will be looking at you online.
What's important is you make a positive impact to others before you present yourself online for the world see.
It's interesting to observe how they behave.
Whenever something blocks their way, they either continue to march over, under or around it.
Now, for humans, it is also in our nature to get around anything that blocks us.
Like ants, we are by nature problem-solvers, although the problems we solve are way more complex than that of ants'.
Researches have been made to elevate the quality of life of humans.
We even try to solve the Global Warming crisis to further progress civilization.
In some ways, problems are good to test our strength of character.
Without encountering problems, we would not have the need to discover great things like cure for certain disease.
But along with these great inventions are negative by products such as nuclear weapons, etc.
In connection, this relates to online accounts and profiles.
Your profile can be openly read by anyone.
For example, you are applying for a job.
Before the Human Resource Officer hires you, he can scan through your profile to check your photos, interests or hobbies, etc.
What you have uploaded in your account can make or break you.
What he perceives you to be based on your profile can help him decide whether to give you the job or not.
We need to be careful with online accounts and keep a little privacy for ourselves.
Try to keep a clean and nice account so that you will not be negatively misjudged.
And also try not to join any questionable pages or groups.
Be yourself but come clean and decent.
Now, in connection with the ants, social media users have a solution to avoid this problem.
You can have more than one online account.
You can make one to market yourself for employers and for formal communication and another account for close family and friends.
Usually, the social media users use their real name on the formal account while they use a nickname for the informal one.
This is a smart way to maintain both online privacy and social networking.
It is usually long-lasting and it keeps you out of trouble.
If you don't have a pleasing behavior, this may help you from negative feedback and it may lessen people seeing your undesirable behavior.
However, managing two accounts can be confusing at times.
You need to be careful to hit the right buttons when posting.
Keep in mind which account you want to safeguard and which account you can be free to post.
Today, although we try to keep things simple, we have not been so successful because things get more complicated.
The same with our goal to achieve computerization, we have placed ourselves in situations where we not only work longer hours and less efficiently, but we also miss the value of why we are doing things.
Think of the people who will be looking at you online.
What's important is you make a positive impact to others before you present yourself online for the world see.