Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Have You Ever Thought What is Milk Thistle Used For?

If you asked a doctor what is milk thistle used for, it's doubtful that he or she would be able to tell you.
If you asked your dermatologist or your immunologist or any other specialist, it is doubtful that they could provide an answer.
If you asked an herbalist or a researcher that specializes in evaluating the medicinal activity of plant extracts, the two of them would be able to give you answers.
Here's what they would say.
Traditionally, it was used in many cultures to treat jaundice, which is a symptom of liver disease.
Some traditional practitioners had a great deal of knowledge about the human body and how it works.
Others, logically, did not.
The reason that we have medical schools is to teach people about how to treat diseases.
But, in reason times, alternative choices have become more and more popular, mainly because the treatments recommended by the mainstream medical community are accompanied by adverse reactions and side effects.
Some natural health experts truly believe that the doctors and pharmaceutical companies want to keep us sick; that it is in their best interest to do so.
They wouldn't tell you what is milk thistle used for, even if they knew, because then you might not have to visit a doctor or buy a drug.
Actually, extracts from the plant are used primarily by the pharmaceutical industry.
The molecules are changed, in order to increase their potency, and the result was originally patented, although the patent likely expired years ago.
Although the mainstream medical community would be loath to admit it, the drugs based on the active extract of the plant are used to protect the liver from exposure to toxic substances, such as the death cap mushroom.
So, is that the answer to what is milk thistle used for? That's not the whole answer.
It is one of dozens of plant extracts that are recommended as a part of preventative medicine by many alternative practitioners.
Although the liver is a strong organ that can regenerate when only a tiny piece is left undamaged, it suffers from a great many toxic exposures, these days.
If you're like most people, you believe that items sold over the counter in the drugstore are safe.
If you're like most people, you have been using aspirin, Tylenol, ibuprofen or other pain-relievers since you were a small child.
Now, after all of these years, the FDA is finally requiring manufacturers to place a large warning on those supposedly safe medications, because they cause liver damage.
So, what is milk thistle used for? Most experts recommend it to protect the liver and help undo damage done by years of exposure to things like "safe" drugs.
It may also be helpful in inflammatory skin conditions, gallbladder disorders and liver diseases, as well as cancer.
If you would like to do all that you can to protect your health and appearance from the toxins in our environment, take the time to learn how.
Now you know the answer to what is milk thistle used for, but you can always learn more.
Check out my website to discover more on what you need to know in selecting effective skin care products.
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