Health & Medical Anti Aging

The Best Hand Lotion to Prevent and Lighten Age Spots - 3 Things You Must Know

What if I told you about the best hand lotion to prevent and lighten age spots does more than lighten your skin? Let's take a look at three things you must know regarding safe, effective and de-aging creams to use in the fight against brown spots.
Free of Harmful Chemicals
When deciding on a lotion or cream, it's important to know what ingredients the product contains.
Read the label to find out if it's packed full of harmful chemicals.
The last thing you want on your arms, hands and face are toxic ingredients like chemicals, mineral oils and acids to whiten your skin.
To help you out, check for the "Compact for Safe Cosmetics" agreement.
The companies that don't use any harmful or irritating ingredients have signed the pledge.
Proven Effective at Removing Spots
The next thing you want to investigate is if the best hand lotion to prevent and lighten age spots works.
Does the cream safely lighten skin? What's the natural ingredient called? Look for a substance called Extrapone nutgrass root (from the root of a plant from India called nutgrass).
It was developed as an anti-irritant for the skin by a German company.
However, it was only afterwards were its whitening properties were discovered.
Nutgrass root inhibits the formation of melanin in the skin.
The extrapone nutgrass root has been researched, and has now been shown in clinical trials (on human volunteers) to reduce melanin by up to 40%.
It has been backed up by well designed clinical studies for its effectiveness and safety.
It not only gradually whitens skin naturally, but your skin also becomes brighter and healthier without any harmful side effects.
Anti-aging Properties
You'll also want to remember that age spots tend to show up along with the wrinkles.
So, when looking for the best hand lotion to prevent and lighten age spots look for ingredients which work together at de-aging and lightening skin.
As skin ages, you want to address what is needed to nourish skin and reverse the aging process.
One of my favorite substances is a powerful natural ingredient called Cynergy TK.
Because Cynergy TK contains functional keratin (similar to the basic protein found in human skin), this means it's extremely effective in rejuvenating the skin.
Cynergy TK was proven in clinical trials (on human volunteers) to stimulate the re-growth of collagen and also elastin.
And, because collagen and elastin are the two most important skin proteins, they're the proteins responsible for keeping your skin looking young, supple, and smooth! Extrapone nutgrass root and Cynergy TK are working in synergy to whiten and de-age your skin...
resulting in the best hand lotion to prevent and lighten age spots the safe and effective way.
Visit my website today and learn much more about what nutgrass root, Cynergy TK and other natural ingredients can do to help nourish and moisturize your skin.
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