- "The Sims" is a popular life-simulation game where the focus is not on killing monsters, but on managing your character's day-to-day life. You must eat, sleep, work, entertain yourself, make friends and find happiness. In "The Urbz: Sims in the City," the focus shifts almost entirely to gaining reputation. Players achieve this by winning at a variety of job-like minigames. The reward is a higher reputation and more money, with which players can buy goods to ease game play. Along the way, there are several glitches players can exploit to get these rewards earlier than they would with regular game play.
- One activity you can engage in is tending to plants. Since this requires daily attention, you might sometimes forget to water them--especially during busier portions of the game. The visible effect of this neglect is that plants will begin to wilt and turn yellow, eventually dying. Restoring them requires extra attention and time, which you may not have. To easily bring a plant back to good health, simply click it and choose the "move" option. Set it back down anywhere--even the same spot you picked it up from--and the plant will magically be restored to full health.
- Reputation is the meter by which all other characters gauge you. It limits what types of jobs you can get and where you can live. To gain as much reputation as you want, go to the leaders of each group and talk to them until your relationship is at 100. At that point, insult them once and then bring your relationship back up to 100. As you walk away, you'll get a reputation point. You can repeat this as many times as you want.
- One of the joys of the game is decking out your apartment with furniture. You can get some of the most expensive furniture in the game within the first five minutes by going to the penthouse above your first apartment. A glitch in the game mistakes the furniture as your property, so simply pocket it and be on your way. You'll get a full bathroom set as well as a nice sofa.
- The key to success in "The Urbz" is to keep all your needs filled. If you get hungry, your performance slacks. The same applies to sleep, thirst and entertainment. If you're far from your apartment, you can meet all your needs for free by simply spending the night in jail. Although the developers didn't intend for jail to play like a hotel, you can use it that way and ease your playing experience considerably.
Plant Health
Reputation Glitch
Furniture Thief
Go to Jail