Driving under the influence of alcohol is considered a serious offense. The Florida state takes no exceptions especially for people who are convicted of drunk driving. This article discusses what one should expect during a DUI traffic stop, arrest and the penalties included.
What Happens When a Florida Law Enforcer Pull You Over
A Field Sobriety Test is performed by the driver for the law enforcer to gauge whether or not he or she is driving under influence of alcohol. The test includes performing several ordinary task that requires coordination and mental acuity test. A urine or blood test is asked of the person to determine if there are alcohol present. Those who failed the test would also be arrested, and their driver's license might be suspended. A lawyer is usually required before the person is released.
Arrested individuals will be released once they can resume normal activities, no longer under the influence and their Blood Alcohol Content (BCA) is lower than.05. Those who are convicted of the offense will have to pay some penalties and even spend jail time. For first time offense, one will have to pay an average of fifty dollars up to two thousand as well as commit to fifty hrs. of community service. Prison time and vehicle impediment is also included. For repeat offenders, of four times and more, a five year imprisonment, fine of $2000 and up as well as 3 months car impoundment are enforced. Imprisonment is also based on the judge discretion as well as the prison terms. Some would also be serving their jail time under a drug rehabilitation facility or at attend an alcohol treatment program.
The first choice is to apply for a hardship license. The second option is to enroll and passed a DUI school course before the revocation period. When applying for hardship license or full license, the convicted person must take the government exam, pay fines and shoe evidence that they have the required liability insurance.
Should You Hire a DUI Attorney in Orlando?
More often than not, people who were arrested would call their attorney. An Orlando DUI Attorney specializes in these types of litigation making it easier to close the case. As one only have ten days to appeal and apply for hardship license, getting an attorney to do it for you can be a time saver. It is important to hire an Orlando DUI Attorney especially if this is your first time as you might be convicted wrongfully and have the records available in the government files.
What Happens When a Florida Law Enforcer Pull You Over
A Field Sobriety Test is performed by the driver for the law enforcer to gauge whether or not he or she is driving under influence of alcohol. The test includes performing several ordinary task that requires coordination and mental acuity test. A urine or blood test is asked of the person to determine if there are alcohol present. Those who failed the test would also be arrested, and their driver's license might be suspended. A lawyer is usually required before the person is released.
Arrested individuals will be released once they can resume normal activities, no longer under the influence and their Blood Alcohol Content (BCA) is lower than.05. Those who are convicted of the offense will have to pay some penalties and even spend jail time. For first time offense, one will have to pay an average of fifty dollars up to two thousand as well as commit to fifty hrs. of community service. Prison time and vehicle impediment is also included. For repeat offenders, of four times and more, a five year imprisonment, fine of $2000 and up as well as 3 months car impoundment are enforced. Imprisonment is also based on the judge discretion as well as the prison terms. Some would also be serving their jail time under a drug rehabilitation facility or at attend an alcohol treatment program.
The first choice is to apply for a hardship license. The second option is to enroll and passed a DUI school course before the revocation period. When applying for hardship license or full license, the convicted person must take the government exam, pay fines and shoe evidence that they have the required liability insurance.
Should You Hire a DUI Attorney in Orlando?
More often than not, people who were arrested would call their attorney. An Orlando DUI Attorney specializes in these types of litigation making it easier to close the case. As one only have ten days to appeal and apply for hardship license, getting an attorney to do it for you can be a time saver. It is important to hire an Orlando DUI Attorney especially if this is your first time as you might be convicted wrongfully and have the records available in the government files.