Law & Legal & Attorney Immigration Law

Checklist of Documents That You Need for Your I-130

    Proof of United States Citizenship

    • Both United States citizens and legal permanent residents of the country may file the I-130. Petitioners who are citizens must show valid evidence of citizenship with one of five documents. Persons born in the United States must submit a copy of a birth certificate, and a naturalized citizen must issue a copy his naturalization certificate. U.S. citizens born abroad may submit either a copy of a consular-issued Form FS-240, "Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States," a copy of an unexpired passport, or a consular statement verifying citizenship with a valid passport.

    Proof of Legal Residence

    • Green card holders must submit proof of legal residence in the United States, usually by providing copies of permanent resident cards. A copy of your passport page showing admission into the U.S. as a permanent resident will also work in some circumstances. Official documents from the USCIS or its predecessor agency, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, showing permanent resident status are also accepted.

    Proof of Marriage

    • Spouse petitioners must provide a copy of their marriage certificates, divorce certificates if applicable, glossy, passport-style photographs of both parties, and a completed and signed Form G-325A for each spouse. The following documents must also be submitted if applicable: joint ownership of bank accounts or property documents; a joint tenancy lease; and birth certificates of all children born to each spouse, whether or not they are children of the marriage.

    Proof of Natural Maternity

    • Birth mothers petitioning on behalf of a child must submit a copy of the child's birth certificate showing both the child's and mother's names.

    Proof of Natural Paternity

    • Birth fathers must submit a copy of their child's birth certificate showing the child's names and both parents' names. If the child was born in wedlock, a copy of the marriage certificate at the time of birth must be submitted. If born out of wedlock, fathers must submit evidence of financial support and continued parental interest from birth to age 18.

    Documentation of Siblings

    • Siblings filling out the I-130 must submit birth certificates for themselves and the alien siblings that show a shared parent. If you have different mothers, you must submit copies of all of your father's marriage certificates, if any. Siblings with the same mother but different fathers need not file any information on their fathers.

    Children Filing for Parents

    • If petitioning for your mother, submit your birth certificate showing both your names. The same birth certificate will work if sending for your father, provided he is listed. Otherwise, a copy of your father's marriage certificate to your mother or some other evidence of paternity may be required.

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