Health & Medical Men's Health

Pearly Penile Papules - How These Little Bumps Affects Your Lifestyle

If you ask most men what is the most important part of their body they will say it is their penis.
You are no different from the rest of the guys out there because that is what men do.
We give it a name and we treat it with tender loving care.
Why, because this is an important part of our manhood.
It is one of the things that makes you feel more like a man than any other part of your body.
Oh, but when it seems like something is not right down there we begin to panic.
You being a man you know exactly what I mean.
Some of us panic and some of us just lose it all together.
You begin to feel like the rest of your life is ruined because of your situation.
Therefore, you no longer think you are the man you use to be.
Did you know that pearly penile papules is one of the common problem men have to or will face in their life time.
Not all men have to deal with this but a lot of them do.
If you do not know what penile papules are, it is a skin condition that has affected a lot of men both young and old.
They are little white or pink bumps that are shaped like a dome.
These bumps form on the top of your penis and you can really see them when you get an erection.
Not only can you see them, you will also feel the pain these little ugly bumps will give you which is sure to make you very uncomfortable.
Other than the pain and the sight of these papules, you do not have to worry because there are no other serious affects.
Well, it might have an effect on your relationship with your wife or girlfriend.
You can still make love to your lover because your sexual performance is still all good.
It is just a matter of your lover wanting to make love to you after seeing those bumps.
Now there are a few men who chose to live with this condition and for some reason or another they are comfortable with it.
Then there are guys who cannot deal with this problem and thus have lost their confidence because of their pearly penile papules.
Some will not even attempt to have sex with their lover because they are afraid the are going to be laugh at or get talked about real bad.
There are some who do not have any kind of personal life at all because of their problem.
Their confidence level has dropped so low they even look at themselves as some kind of freak or something.
With that being said, although having pearly penile papules does not hurt a man physically, it can leave him feeling down and out about his life since he learned about his condition.
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