- 1). Bolt your 4-inch-by-4-inch board perpendicular to the ledger board of the deck, by pre-drilling two 1/4-inch holes through the center of the 4-by-4, three inches from the end of the board. Drive your lag bolts through the 4-by-4 board into the ledger board. The length of the 4-by-4 board is determined by how high you would like your railing to be, plus the width of the ledger board. Most hand railings are around 40 inches high. This would require your 4-by-4 to be 48-inches to 50-inches. You need your level to be sure the 4-by-4 board is truly perpendicular. Space 4-by-4 boards four feet on center or 45 1/4-inches apart.
- 2). Screw a 2-by-6 board perpendicular to the sides of the 4-by-4 boards so the top of the 2-by-6 is flush with the top of the 4-by-4. This should be done on the deck side of the 4-by-4's and will provide support to your handrail. Use three screws for every time you connect the 2-by-6 to the 4-by-4; use your square to ensure your railing will be square.
- 3). Screw your 1-by-6 board to the top of the 4-by-4 boards. It should be parallel with the 2-by-6 boards and the edges of these boards should be flush. The 1-by-6 board is the top of your handrail.
- 4). Screw the spindles to the 2-by-6 boards and to the ledger board. The spindles should be parallel with each other and with the 4-by-4 boards. One screw should be used for each end of the spindle and they should be spaced six inches apart.