Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Your Kitchen – How To Organize It!

Do you enjoy spending time in your kitchen or not? This is a serious question because it's where you begin and end your day - EVERY DAY and if the answer is no, then maybe it's simply because you don't have an organized kitchen!

So spending time in a room that you don't like can have a negative affect on how you feel.

Kitchens in general are probably the busiest room in the house. Pretty much everyone doing whatever they are doing need to go through the kitchen to achieve it. So really you want it to be as organized as it possibly can be to help everyone.

Below are some helpful tips to get your kitchen organized but before you start pulling everything out of every cupboard ensure that you have sufficient time to achieve what you want to. This isn't like other rooms in the house where you can close the door and leave it until next weekend if you don't get finished. This is the kitchen, the hub of the house.

Start by having a good glance round and really start evaluating what you have in your kitchen. What do you use regularly, what don't you use, what's old, what's brand new, what's collecting dust, what's broken, where are the plates, where's the kettle, is it close to the cups, where's the tea and coffee? Are they close to the kettle and the cups? Where's the fridge, where's the food etc.

Whilst you are in this organizing mood, are your plates and cups conveniently placed for ease or do you have to walk halfway across the room each time you want to make a cup of tea! Is the cutlery in the right drawer? Take a little time and redress these issues if they aren't working for you. Now is a great time to makes changes and get it right.

Anything that is broken, not used, old or rubbish can be either be thrown away, sold, recycled or sent to a charity shop.

Sometimes it is helpful to think of the different areas in your kitchens as zones. Each zone accommodates certain activities or functionalities like meal-planning, food preparation, cooking, serving or storage, and there is often some cross-over in the use of these zones. What are the key items that are used in each of these zones? Is it possible to effectively store them near these zones?

Always consider the kitchen flow and convenience when you organize your kitchen. You may want to place the dishes near the sink, or to have the stove near the counter for easy serving. It all depends on you.

Next, take everything out of the drawers and cabinets. I find grouping like items with like items works well, for example, glassware with glassware, plastic containers with plastic containers, pots and pans with pots and pans, knives with knives, and so on.

Next clean wash and scrub everything before you start to return items to the drawers and cupboards. It's so much easier to clean empty cupboards and drawers and don't forget to do the fronts of the cupboards and drawers either.

Then start to return the items, this is where we keep in mind the zones of the kitchen and the items regularly used within them. Also, remember to place the things that work together near each other. For example, pots, pans, spatulas, whisks and ladles should be placed near the stove; bowls, mixers and measuring cups should be in the baking zone near the oven.

Small appliances, sharp tools and cleaning chemicals should be placed in properly secured storage areas out of the reach of children.

Seldom used utensils and tools should be placed on top shelves.

Group canned vegetables together by vegetable type, soups with soups, rice and grains with other rice and grains, breakfast cereals with other breakfast cereals, snacks with snacks, etc.

Organizing your kitchen space will make your life easier and less stressful. Assigning a work area for everything will help you find what you are looking for when you need it, thus saving you time and effort. Having a clean and effectively organized kitchen can make your tasks flow more smoothly and all the more enjoyable for you to prepare and share those delectable home-cooked meals with your family.
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