Health & Medical Men's Health

The Prostate Problems After 45 - Prostatitis and BPH

It is not something that should always occur, but at a certain age (usually around 45) the aches, pains or swelling of the prostate, a small male reproductive organ tend to appear.
However, there is much you can do to prevent, combat and remedy this situation.
Know that herbal medicine is very effective and that plants have wonderful properties to combat, in this case, two of the most common conditions of the prostate: the prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate) and Enlarged Prostate (BPH).
About the prostate The word comes from Greek prostate prostate, Which literally means "protector", "guardian.
" This is a glandular organ of the male genitourinary system, is located in front of the rectum and urinary bladder outlet.
It is a small organ about the size of a walnut, which contains cells that make some of the seminal fluid shall protect and nourish sperm containing semen.
Furthermore, is responsible for producing, with the testes, certain hormones that give character to manly men.
Why start the prostate problems? From the embryonic stage, the male hormones, especially testosterone, stimulate the prostate gland, which continues to grow until it reaches adulthood, where it maintains its size while producing the hormones.
However, when male hormones disappear or their production begins to weaken, the prostate gland can no longer develop or maintain their size.
The prostate size is balanced in adulthood by the death and replacement of old cells with new.
This balance is regulated by androgen hormones.
To maintain this balance requires the proper functioning of the system known as the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis, where the hypothalamus produces hormones that act on the pituitary and regulate the production of testosterone, which acts in parallel with the pituitary gland, which is physically linked with the hypothalamus and also acts on the testes and adrenal glands, stimulating the production of testosterone.
When this system begins to weaken or decline, then you have prostate problems.
What are the most common diseases in the prostate? The prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate) is one of the most common diseases in men who have below 50 years.
When the man beyond this age, then the problem changes because the prostate is enlarged (Benign prostatic hyperplasia).
At this age (or men and older), also run the risk of prostate cancer, although the latter is not as common as benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Prostatitis The prostate can be detected because there swelling, redness and temperature rise.
Sometimes, the inflammation of the prostate is due to bacteria and microbes (bacterial prostatitis), but also due to a internal congestion due to the overlapping of their secretions or its enlargement (BPH) and other causes as frequent blows to the testicles, sitting for long periods (drivers, cobblers, programmers, etc.
by improperly cured venereal disease, a deficient diet for much of life, by abuse of alcohol and use of drugs.
The detection of microbes can be tested by examining urine samples.
An inflammation in any area of your body alerts you that there is any infection that is being fought, or that there is an injury that is being repaired, and usually accompanied by high temperature.
Some signs to detect inflammation of the prostate are: o Burning on urination o Need to urinate more often o Fever o Tiredness Enlarged Prostate Another of the conditions of the prostate after 45 years is benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), Which is caused because prostate grows to adulthood, due to a regrowth of glands and muscle and fibrous tissue within the prostate, which in most cases cause obstruction during urination, but not always.
This is not necessarily cancerous condition or surgery is needed.
However, when the prostate becomes large enough, it may obstruct the urinary canal.
The bladder is flat and has to make more effort to remove urine.
When the effort is excessive, the bladder becomes weaker.
This causes the following symptoms: o Need to urinate more frequently (the space in the bladder is reduced).
o Pain or difficulty urinating.
o urinary tract infections, bladder or prostate itself.
All this could start affecting the kidneys, which are closely connected to these organs.
Usually proposed surgery (prostate removal) in this case, in order to protect the bladder and kidneys.
However, surgery always carries side effects and possible complications of anesthesia, infections.
Should be assessed well before taking this option.
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