Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Lotus Seeds to Corporate HR

Infertile lotus seeds float in water while the fertile ones sink to the bottom, imbibe water, swell and then sprout. Those who are engaged in the cultivation of lotus plants from the seeds to make aquatic garden knows this better. The management message is that what is €useless' and €meaningless' for the given task, can be easily excluded and eliminated provided one learns the art of knowing the difference.

Nature has its way and reason and that is why the infertile lotus seeds float. Only when the infertile seeds float they can be eliminated from the water by the wind and the required space become available to the fertile ones to grow. Imagine, if the infertile seeds also sink to the bottom of pond or lake means, they will definitely damage the ecosystem thereby limit the healthy growth of the fertile seeds.

Eliminate what is useless immediately and allow and support the useful is the strong management tenet, always nature employs.

The corporate leaders and the HR function must learn this art of at least knowing the people and their capabilities like how one can easily differentiate the fertile lotus seeds from the infertile ones.

Certain people in the corporate always tend to exhibit their competency and expertise in anything and everything. They may be working in R&D or other support function. But in the corporate meetings, they make their presence €loud and audacious' by airing their €expert views' about marketing or sales or purchase or manufacturing or finance or logistics or legal or administration etc. Nothing under sun, they are ignorant about. They know everything. Unfortunately, most of the corporate leaders applaud and worship the €sagacity' of such people.

In fact they are like €floating infertile lotus seeds'. They will generally lack in depth proficiency and work acumen. They are like €jacks of all trades, master of none. It is not, such people are totally useless to the corporate. But the corporate should not €stretch' the usefulness of these people beyond the scope, boundary, any merit and meaning.

Fertile lotus seeds are essential only for growing a new lotus plant. The infertile seeds also have edible value. From that point of view, the lotus seeds whether they are fertile or infertile really, don't make any difference.

The corporate and the HR function must understand what essential leadership quality they look for from people. If it is only €edible value' jacks of all trades are also the best choice. If they expect the leaders also must grow and produce many such leaders, then have to be careful and wise in knowing infertile from fertile ones.

The art of knowing must always logs onto the main domain of what the corporate really want from its people. This knowledge can come only if the corporate has strong values and vision.

Unfortunately most of the €single' man driven corporate misses that. They always feel proud and declare €jacks of all trades' as an invaluable asset and gift of to the organization. It is not, having knowledge in different areas is bad, but check whether they have adequate and astounding expertise in the field they work. If they don't, they are not the right choice.

Dr S Ranganathan, ClinRise Derma Pvt., Ltd., Chennai
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