Business & Finance Small Business

A Look at the Outdoor Lighting Products

Outdoor activities like camping, hiking, biking, and climbing have quite a few takers today. Nothing comes as close to the serenity that Nature offers. These are surely a great way to unwind and spend some quality time with the people around us. However, one must understand that outdoor adventures have some special requirements of their own. You need to carry a well designed backpack that should help you overcome any obstacle that you might come across. Mother Nature is not well known for her kindness to people who go unprepared. Camping equipment, hydration kits, tool kits, and lighting equipment should all be a part of your backpack. If you're considering going on a biking trip, then you should probably take a look at bike lights.
Without such crucial gear, it wouldn't be advisable to head out on your adventure. Considering the type of activities involved, you're probably going to be miles away from civilization where help might not readily be available. This makes it all the more important to ensure that we invest in the right gear. Lighting is one of the most important things that you would need on such trips. More than often, mistakes and accidents due to bad visibility are the cause for many mishaps. Let's take a brief look into some of the lighting solutions available.

Handheld Torches

These are conventional lighting solutions that have been in use for quite some time. However, the products available today, have been refined to perfection. There are many manufacturers of flashlights that exclusively serve to the outdoor adventure market. These lights are highly durable, and of course portable. The brightness they offer is far greater than torches made of indoor use. You could easily find torches that throw out a light of 5000 lumens. Camping in the night requires such bright lights. LED Lenser, Fenix, ThruNite, and Niteye are the brands that you could check out.

Bike Lights

These are lights that can be mounted onto a bike. Bikers obviously need a hands free lighting solution and hence these products are the way to go. LED bike lights [] are quite popular with bikers as they offer adequate lighting to head out on biking adventures. Products that offer brightness between 600-1500 lumens are a popular choice. Some handheld torches are available with bike mount feature and this would be a highly versatile option. You could even buy a bike mount which is separately available to go with your torch.


These are hands free solutions designed for use by hikers, climbers, and trekkers. On long and treacherous trek routes, you could easily strap these on and make your way through the route. You could find headlamps that run on rechargeable batteries. LED Lenser, Fenix, Niteye, and Spark are some of the brands to look out for in this category.
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