In April, I will be planning my usual trip home to New York to stay with my family for Easter.
Often times, when kids go away to college, they end up staying around the area that they went to college.
If the college is located several states away or even overseas from where that person grew up, it can sometimes make visiting family and friends difficult-especially if that person is close to their family.
I am one of those people.
I moved away from New York to go to college in North Carolina and wound up hanging around.
I met some great people down here, the pace of life is slightly slower than in New York (not to mention less crowded)...
but more importantly, the cost of living is less, which has allowed me to be able to afford my own apartment: a feat which would have been hard to come by on my own in New York unless I was making a lot of money.
So, the trade off between not wanting to live in New York because of the expense as well as the crowding has been offset by the fact that whenever I can, I always make it a point to visit with my family.
At almost every holiday, you can expect to find me loading up my car in preparation for the long drive ahead.
There are some people who think that I am crazy for driving so far (often by myself), but to me; there is nothing I wouldn't do for my family! That being said, if you are planning a long road trip whether it's to a place that you are familiar with and have been to a thousand times or whether it is to a place that you have never actually seen or heard of, there are some things to keep in mind.
For starters, always make sure that you do the bulk of your packing in advance.
The closer you wait until you have to leave to pack a bag, the more likely you are to forget something when you get on the road.
For me, the staple items that I always make sure I include on my travels are items such as: my first aid kit, flashlight and other items inside of my emergency kit in my trunk as well as a paper map of all the roadways in the United States (just in case technology fails me).
I also make sure that I have my car charger in addition to the wall mount charger, my iPod (because 9+ hours inside of a car is a long time to listen to nothing except bad radio stations), sunglasses (to help fight eye fatigue), prescription glasses (so that I can see where I am going at night or otherwise), my wallet and my EZPass (to help me zip through toll booths).
Once you get on the road, you should also make sure that you have plenty of water as well as some non-perishable food items.
With regards to your food items, I also like to include some fresh fruit and/or veggies.
Non perishable food is really for emergencies such as if you are stuck in hours upon hours of traffic, etc.
Often times, when kids go away to college, they end up staying around the area that they went to college.
If the college is located several states away or even overseas from where that person grew up, it can sometimes make visiting family and friends difficult-especially if that person is close to their family.
I am one of those people.
I moved away from New York to go to college in North Carolina and wound up hanging around.
I met some great people down here, the pace of life is slightly slower than in New York (not to mention less crowded)...
but more importantly, the cost of living is less, which has allowed me to be able to afford my own apartment: a feat which would have been hard to come by on my own in New York unless I was making a lot of money.
So, the trade off between not wanting to live in New York because of the expense as well as the crowding has been offset by the fact that whenever I can, I always make it a point to visit with my family.
At almost every holiday, you can expect to find me loading up my car in preparation for the long drive ahead.
There are some people who think that I am crazy for driving so far (often by myself), but to me; there is nothing I wouldn't do for my family! That being said, if you are planning a long road trip whether it's to a place that you are familiar with and have been to a thousand times or whether it is to a place that you have never actually seen or heard of, there are some things to keep in mind.
For starters, always make sure that you do the bulk of your packing in advance.
The closer you wait until you have to leave to pack a bag, the more likely you are to forget something when you get on the road.
For me, the staple items that I always make sure I include on my travels are items such as: my first aid kit, flashlight and other items inside of my emergency kit in my trunk as well as a paper map of all the roadways in the United States (just in case technology fails me).
I also make sure that I have my car charger in addition to the wall mount charger, my iPod (because 9+ hours inside of a car is a long time to listen to nothing except bad radio stations), sunglasses (to help fight eye fatigue), prescription glasses (so that I can see where I am going at night or otherwise), my wallet and my EZPass (to help me zip through toll booths).
Once you get on the road, you should also make sure that you have plenty of water as well as some non-perishable food items.
With regards to your food items, I also like to include some fresh fruit and/or veggies.
Non perishable food is really for emergencies such as if you are stuck in hours upon hours of traffic, etc.