Health & Medical Men's Health

Penis Enlargement - What is Peyronies?

Peyronies is a condition in which the penis bends.
This is usually as a result of the formation of a lump or plaque inside the tissue of the penis.
The makes the penis curve at an angle.
This curvature in turn makes the penis look shorter than it really is.
The severity would vary and its effect would be most when the penis is erect.
How Does Peyronies Affect Men? It can have varying levels of complications on the penis resulting sex being uncomfortable, clumsy and in extreme cases, impossible.
This can often make sex not as pleasurable as it should be.
many times this happens and the victim does not even realize this.
Can It Be Treated? Certainly! This condition is not untreatable.
When treated, the penis regains its strength of erection and also greatly improves satisfaction derived from sex.
You generally become more potent.
Is Every Case Of Bent Penis A Result Of This Condition? This is highly unlikely.
A penis may not be bent because of the formation of lumps or plaque within the penis tissues.
It could be that the penis is unable to be fully erect.
Whatever the case or cause of bent penis, it should be treated and corrected.
There are medically approved mechanical and pharmaceutical ways of treating this.
It could be that blood flow to the penis is not as it should be because the penis get erect as a result of its being full of blood so whatever makes the penis not to receive the supply of blood necessary to make it turgid should be treated as it would hamper both the strength of your orgasm and your general sexual performance and satisfaction.
There is no reason for a man to suffer in silence.
It is proven that between 1% to 3% of men suffer from this condition and it is said to be prevalent in men over the age of 55.
Some men on the other hand were born with bent penis which like we said earlier does not mean they suffer from this condition though they still need to get treatment for the bent penis immediately.
I don't know how many men would be comfortable offering their member up for a surgical procedure.
I for one would not want my penis being operated on unless of course I had no other option.
In the treatment of peyronies, bent penis in general or even penis enlargement, there are proven ways of getting the needed result without turning to surgical solutions.
In fact, many solutions available today have made surgical treatment unnecessary.
Get your penis enlarged, straightened and strengthened today and drastically improve your sexual performance, your orgasm and your potency.
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