Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Inbound Link From Your Competitors

Inbound Links Definition - A link from a site outside of your site.
These are links that are on other people's pages that point to your page WEB SITE A => YOURWEBSITE.
COM Inbound links send visitors to your web site.
Generally, this is seen as a good thing.
Many sites go to great lengths to achieve as much of this "free" advertising as possible, although a few sites are very particular about where the links are pointing.
Building up this relationship with trustful websites is essential if you want to achieve good rankings for your website/blog within Search Engines as Google, Yahoo, Ask, MSN, AOL etc.
Briefly, the more inbound links you have, the higher up the search engines you go.
Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B The majority of the Search Engines don't just analyze the quantity but the quality of the backlinks, if a high traffic webpage/blog links to you the results will be better than links from a low traffic webpage.
There are numerous strategies to increase links, enough to fill a book, but I'd like to take your attention specially to the fact that all Engines rely heavily on links coming from: -.
edu -.
gov Some of the websites don't have "no follow" tags and/or don't link out, but there are others that do.
How can you find out? The key to get these links is to find sites that link to your competitors because they will probably be willing to link to you.
Now, there are 2 ways to do it: 1) You can do this by using Yahoo using the query below linkdomain:your domain name.
com site:.
edulinkdomain:your domain name site:.
gov 2) Using the BackLinkChecker from Webmaster Tools Once you've got the references, all you need to do is analyse why they've linked to your competitors/similar websites.
After you've analysed the website and whether you can offer relevant references you can email the webmaster introducing yourself and your website offering a HTML code/URL to be posted.
Before email the webmaster, be sure to have relevant material and don't annoy them with spammy, long, and consecutive emails.
Cheers Lucio Dias Ribeiro
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