Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

6 Things I Learned From The Current Recession

I am a senior citizen that was forced to, really, retire when the "bubble" burst in 2007 - 2008.
The recession/depression that followed hit us very hard.
Would you believe to the tune of losing everything? It took my house rehabbing business but not my pride..
Not being one to sit around and mope I began to lick my wounds and started brainstorming for things I could do to earn some money.
I had been interested in the phenomenon of the Internet for several years but not knowing much about it I didn't actually do anything with it.
So having much more time than I had money I switched on my old computer and started browsing the Internet just to see what I could learn.
I learned that the Internet is an amazing thing/place/space.
I leaned about Affiliate Marketing and did a lot of research on the subject.
I learned (the hard way) that there are shysters posing as "gurus" selling snake oil to unsuspecting "newbies".
I'm Sorry to say but I purchased my share of "oil".
I learned that Affiliate Marketing is the quickest and easiest way to make money on the Internet.
I learned it can be done with very little money, without being a techie or having a website.
I'm not one of those rich "gurus" by any stretch of the imagination but there is light at the end of the tunnel.
It is spelled H-O-P-E.
If you could use a little hope and would like to discover the quickest and easiest way to make money on the Internet, you might want to look into Affiliate Marketing.
Don't let the marketing part scare you.
What it boils down to is finding a product that a lot of people need and buy then tells everybody they know (and some you don't know) about it.
When they buy that product using your affiliate ID then you earn a hefty commission; up to 75%.
When you do that enough your bank account expands and so does you outlook.
I must contribute most of the knowledge that I have acquired to two very successful Gentleman that I met online.
They graciously share their success with others.
So, what has the current recession taught me? I have leaned, at least, six things.
(1) I have learned, anew, that when one door closes another door will open.
(2) That the new door opens from inside.
(3) I have to turn the knob and walk through the door.
(4) To always keep the faith.
(5) Remember where all good things come from and (6) "This to Shall Pass.
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