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How to Make Your Bedroom Chi

    • 1). Remove clutter from the room. Clutter interrupts the flow of chi, causing it to become stagnant, and this is reflected in your personal chi. Aim for a minimal look in the bedroom. Ringing a bell, clapping you hands or any other loud noise can help to clear the room of negative, stagnant chi.

    • 2). Use calming and relaxing yin colors in the bedroom such as blue, purple and white. According to The Spiritual Feng Shui website, blue is calming, soothing and creates a feeling of peace; purple is associated with spiritual awareness and both physical and mental healing; white is associated with confidence and purity.

    • 3). Arrange furniture so it doesn't interrupt the flow of chi around the room. Walk around the room, and if you come to a place where you're stopped by protruding furniture or clutter, then the flow of chi is also interrupted. Choose furniture with rounded -- not sharp -- corners, and select round pieces for bedside tables.

    • 4). Position the bed so it's as far from the door as possible, and so your head isn't near a window, as this will allow your personal chi to vanish out of the window as you sleep. A solid headboard helps to contain the chi as it flows around you. Don't place one side of the bed against a wall, and if you share the bed with a partner, ensure you both have equal space on either side of the bed.

    • 5). Remove negative items from the room. Anything that reminds you of an unhappy memory or a sad time in your life will interrupt the chi. Remove pictures or imagery that represent hard work, confrontation, solitude or unhappiness.

    • 6). Don't work out in the bedroom. This introduces a form of chi that's not conducive to relaxation. According to author Stephanie Roberts, this energy can also reflect on your relationship, making it feel like a tough workout instead of a loving partnership.

    • 7). Remove electrical items from the room. These items contain their own negative chi which can strongly influence your personal chi. Never have an electrical alarm clock near your head when you sleep, as that negative energy is far too close. Avoid items such as television in the bedroom, but if you do have them, keep them as far away from the bed as possible.

    • 8). Ensure when you wake up in the morning the first image you see is something beautiful and uplifting. A picture of a colorful butterfly, a majestic sunrise, or a beautiful flower. Whatever image helps you to start the day with a positive and happy attitude.

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