Your precious eyes are essential as they allow you to perform activities related to every single aspect of your life.
Whether or not its recreation, your social life, traveling, driving,reading,working and studying, you need to preserve and protect your eye health.
One of the ways you can accomplish this goal is through the practice of eye exercises.
Eye exercises are vital to sustaining and promoting better natural eyesight.
The best way to improve the physical performance of any part of the body is to strengthen the muscles of that body part.
You improve the strength of your arm by performing a variety of weightlifting techniques such as barbell curls, preacher curls and individual arm curls.
The eyes are also another part of the body which consists of muscles.
When these muscles are not in use they become weak which happens with continual and repeated exposure to close up work for many years.
This causes a buildup of stress in the eye muscles that leads to a loss in the focusing power and flexibility of the eyes muscles, significantly reducing the natural ability of the eyes to function efficiently.
For this reason, eye exercises are essential.
These techniques can reduce or even in some cases, eliminate the many years of damage done to the eyes caused by the buildup of stress and tension in the visual system due to too much close up work.
Eye exercises can improve vision disorders by strengthening the eye muscles so that they are restored to their natural function once again.
They increase the focusing power of the eyes; a process that leads to clearer better, sharper, natural eyesight.
One of the important components of an eye exercise program is nutrition in terms of taking the right vitamins for your eyes.
Could you imagine achieving a six - pack by relying on ab exercises alone while neglecting the nutritional aspect of the program? Certainly not.
Similarly, the eyes require a wide array of vitamins and minerals to function efficiently.
Vitamins such as Beta- Carotene, Vitamin A, C and E, Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Lutein and Zeaxanthin.
According to AREDS (the Age Related Eye Disease Research Study), such nutrients and vitamins are far much more effective combined together in a comprehensive supplement.
In terms of Vitamin A, and Beta Carotene, they help to improve eyesight and protect the surface of the eyes thereby decreasing the risk of eye infections.
Vitamin E protects the eye cells from free radical damage and it was reported that a woman in a study that took vitamin C on a daily basis for 10 years reduced her risks of cataracts by 77%.
In the case of Lutein it helps the health of the Macular - the area of the eye responsible for visual acuity.
It helps us to recognize fine details in images.
It also guards against the eye disease, Macular Degeneration.
A supplementation with 15 mg of Lutein daily showed a significant improvement in a variety of eye functions such as visual acuity, glare recovery, and light sensitivity.
A vision improvement program of eye exercises can help you to achieve your vision improvement goals.
The visual system responds more positively to a comprehensive approach to eye care.
The kind that not only includes eye exercises alone, but an effective nutritional program.
If you want better vision combing nutrition with eye exercises will help you get better results from your vision improvement program.
Ultimately, with this approach, you will have the assurance that your efforts in preserving and protecting your precious eyesight are not in vain.
Whether or not its recreation, your social life, traveling, driving,reading,working and studying, you need to preserve and protect your eye health.
One of the ways you can accomplish this goal is through the practice of eye exercises.
Eye exercises are vital to sustaining and promoting better natural eyesight.
The best way to improve the physical performance of any part of the body is to strengthen the muscles of that body part.
You improve the strength of your arm by performing a variety of weightlifting techniques such as barbell curls, preacher curls and individual arm curls.
The eyes are also another part of the body which consists of muscles.
When these muscles are not in use they become weak which happens with continual and repeated exposure to close up work for many years.
This causes a buildup of stress in the eye muscles that leads to a loss in the focusing power and flexibility of the eyes muscles, significantly reducing the natural ability of the eyes to function efficiently.
For this reason, eye exercises are essential.
These techniques can reduce or even in some cases, eliminate the many years of damage done to the eyes caused by the buildup of stress and tension in the visual system due to too much close up work.
Eye exercises can improve vision disorders by strengthening the eye muscles so that they are restored to their natural function once again.
They increase the focusing power of the eyes; a process that leads to clearer better, sharper, natural eyesight.
One of the important components of an eye exercise program is nutrition in terms of taking the right vitamins for your eyes.
Could you imagine achieving a six - pack by relying on ab exercises alone while neglecting the nutritional aspect of the program? Certainly not.
Similarly, the eyes require a wide array of vitamins and minerals to function efficiently.
Vitamins such as Beta- Carotene, Vitamin A, C and E, Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Lutein and Zeaxanthin.
According to AREDS (the Age Related Eye Disease Research Study), such nutrients and vitamins are far much more effective combined together in a comprehensive supplement.
In terms of Vitamin A, and Beta Carotene, they help to improve eyesight and protect the surface of the eyes thereby decreasing the risk of eye infections.
Vitamin E protects the eye cells from free radical damage and it was reported that a woman in a study that took vitamin C on a daily basis for 10 years reduced her risks of cataracts by 77%.
In the case of Lutein it helps the health of the Macular - the area of the eye responsible for visual acuity.
It helps us to recognize fine details in images.
It also guards against the eye disease, Macular Degeneration.
A supplementation with 15 mg of Lutein daily showed a significant improvement in a variety of eye functions such as visual acuity, glare recovery, and light sensitivity.
A vision improvement program of eye exercises can help you to achieve your vision improvement goals.
The visual system responds more positively to a comprehensive approach to eye care.
The kind that not only includes eye exercises alone, but an effective nutritional program.
If you want better vision combing nutrition with eye exercises will help you get better results from your vision improvement program.
Ultimately, with this approach, you will have the assurance that your efforts in preserving and protecting your precious eyesight are not in vain.