Danger lurks in every corner in today's turbulent time and the best way to deal with it is to ensure that you are adequately armed against miscreants.
If you are looking to learn good self defense techniques then this article will be very helpful for you.
Since ancient times, martial arts have been existent as a form of offence and defense to enable people to be able to keep safe from harm that may be caused by other people.
Most martial arts require individuals to rely heavily on intuition and the natural instincts of humans.
These skills need to be nurtured and developed by individuals over time and require a considerable amount of practice.
Krav Maga is a noncompetitive martial art form with its origins in Israel.
It is followed by the Israeli defense forces and personnel from armed forces all over the world are trained in this form of combat.
Krav Maga literally means hand to hand combat and is indicative of the use of only body parts by both the opponents involved in a combat.
It relies heavily on a quick finish and requires people practicing it to make speedy attacks on their opponents in a bid to surprise them and end the duel quickly.
Use of the nearest limb available is the main principle of Krav Maga and learners are taught to be efficient and quick in their movements.
Aggression is an integral part of this martial art form and a combination of aggression and fast pace makes the practice of this martial art successful.
This form of martial art is not governed by any ruling body and as such there are no specific sporting rules governing this form.
This makes Krav Maga a constantly evolving defense form that requires people to be quick and creative.
Though initially predominantly present only in Israel, the increased popularity of Krav Maga across the world has resulted in this martial art form being learnt and practiced in different geographies.
Punches of different kinds are mainly used and taught in this form of defense.
Kicks too are used although low risk kicks are encouraged and indulged in by learners and practitioners.
The intensity of defense and offence needs to be high in this art form since this method relies heavily on ending the combat quickly.
Blocking techniques along with wrist locks are also taught in KravMaga.
Progress in this form of martial art is indicated by the award of different colored belts and is progressively awarded to a learner as he/she passes through and learns the different phases of this martial art.
Security personnel providing safety to a single person or group of people are also trained in this art form since it teaches evacuation techniques along with aggressive methods.
If you are looking to learn good self defense techniques then this article will be very helpful for you.
Since ancient times, martial arts have been existent as a form of offence and defense to enable people to be able to keep safe from harm that may be caused by other people.
Most martial arts require individuals to rely heavily on intuition and the natural instincts of humans.
These skills need to be nurtured and developed by individuals over time and require a considerable amount of practice.
Krav Maga is a noncompetitive martial art form with its origins in Israel.
It is followed by the Israeli defense forces and personnel from armed forces all over the world are trained in this form of combat.
Krav Maga literally means hand to hand combat and is indicative of the use of only body parts by both the opponents involved in a combat.
It relies heavily on a quick finish and requires people practicing it to make speedy attacks on their opponents in a bid to surprise them and end the duel quickly.
Use of the nearest limb available is the main principle of Krav Maga and learners are taught to be efficient and quick in their movements.
Aggression is an integral part of this martial art form and a combination of aggression and fast pace makes the practice of this martial art successful.
This form of martial art is not governed by any ruling body and as such there are no specific sporting rules governing this form.
This makes Krav Maga a constantly evolving defense form that requires people to be quick and creative.
Though initially predominantly present only in Israel, the increased popularity of Krav Maga across the world has resulted in this martial art form being learnt and practiced in different geographies.
Punches of different kinds are mainly used and taught in this form of defense.
Kicks too are used although low risk kicks are encouraged and indulged in by learners and practitioners.
The intensity of defense and offence needs to be high in this art form since this method relies heavily on ending the combat quickly.
Blocking techniques along with wrist locks are also taught in KravMaga.
Progress in this form of martial art is indicated by the award of different colored belts and is progressively awarded to a learner as he/she passes through and learns the different phases of this martial art.
Security personnel providing safety to a single person or group of people are also trained in this art form since it teaches evacuation techniques along with aggressive methods.