Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Gerd Medications and Other Remedies

According to health care providers, acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a medical condition wherein there is a regurgitation of gastric contents in the esophagus.
The esophagus is a hallow tube that connects to the stomach where food passes after swallowing.
When there is a reflux or regurgitation the acid backs up to the hollow tube (esophagus) and damages the esophagus.
The burning sensation is sometimes felt at the back of the throat (lpr reflux).
Generally, after detecting all the symptoms of acid reflux the doctor would recommend basic lifestyle modification.
Acid reflux is primarily the result of unhealthy lifestyle and poor diet.
These methods of treatment do not include drugs and is usually the first alternative treatment in acid reflux disease.
Listed below are some lifestyle modifications for GERD: * Avoid carbonated beverages that have caffeine contents.
Other foods to avoid are chocolate, peppermint, chilies, citrus, tomato sauce, onions, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels and sprouts.
* Avoid high cholesterol foods.
Milk (causes a rebound effect) and dairy products should be avoided.
* Refrain from eating for 2 hours before bedtime.
Avoid lying down after a meal.
* Avoid alcohol and cigarette smoking.
If your acid reflux does not respond well to lifestyle modification, the second option of treatment is drug therapy.
Many of the drugs for gerd are widely available.
In fact, it has made the drug company richer due to the fact also that more and more people are getting this disease.
Drug treatments A lot of drugs are useful in treating acid reflux disease.
These drugs are commonly prescribed in the hospitals for people experiencing heartburn.
Usually there is a combination of treatment if in case one drug treatment is ineffective.
* Antacids are usually taken prior to eating your meals.
It can also be taken immediately after the onset of symptoms in order to increase the ph and lessen acidity in the stomach.
Antacids primarily contain alginic acid that decreases acid reflux.
* in order to decrease the gastric secretion of acid, Gastric H2 receptor blockers like ranitidine or famotidine are often prescribed.
These drugs are technically antihistamines.
They relieve complaints in about 50% of all acid reflux patients.
* Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) like omeprazole are known as the most effective in reducing the production of gastric acid, as they shut the pumps that secrete the hydrochloric acid which is the source of acid production.
Typically doctors would prescribe you to take these medications half an hour before meals to achieve a maximum effect.
Prokinetics will also help strengthen lower esophageal sphincter and speed up gastric emptying.
If one should choose to take drugs in combination with recommended diet it would favor fast healing process and will help in preventing acid reflux from worsening.
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