Guideline # 1-Always Jelq As you advance, you'll learn several advanced exercises.
 But regardless of how many advanced exercises you use, you should still always jelq.
 Think of this exercise as your star quarterback--it plays a vital role to any penile exercising routine and shouldn't be put on the sidelines.
 The jelq is the best exercise for moving blood throughout the penis and is a great intermission between girth and length exercises.
Guideline # 2-Change It Up As you know, your body has a remarkable ability to adapt.
 Similar to your muscles, your penis needs to be constantly challenged for it to grow.
 The easiest way to keep the penis off guard, and therefore make it to adapt, is to switch up the exercises used often.
 Every few weeks, try to change your workout as much as possible.
 Change the exercises you use, the number of reps you do for each exercise, and even the order in which you do the exercises.
 Changing the exercises you use will be easier to do after a few more months, when you have plenty of different exercises to choose from.
 As time goes on, you may even want to switch up the number of days you penile exercise each week.
 You will learn more advance techniques as time moves on and each of them will add some tips on how to spruce up your work outs.
The goal is to keep the penis off guard.
 As one penile exercising says, "Irregularity is the number one principle I have followed to make big penis enlargement gains.
 I've gained over three inches and I attribute most of my gains to penile exercising as sporadically as possible.
 I change my entire routine in any way I can.
 One week, for example, I'll penile exercise for three days, then take four days off.
 The next week I'll do it one on and one off.
 The next five on, two off.
 The bottom line: I constantly keep my penis guessing.
 But regardless of how many advanced exercises you use, you should still always jelq.
 Think of this exercise as your star quarterback--it plays a vital role to any penile exercising routine and shouldn't be put on the sidelines.
 The jelq is the best exercise for moving blood throughout the penis and is a great intermission between girth and length exercises.
Guideline # 2-Change It Up As you know, your body has a remarkable ability to adapt.
 Similar to your muscles, your penis needs to be constantly challenged for it to grow.
 The easiest way to keep the penis off guard, and therefore make it to adapt, is to switch up the exercises used often.
 Every few weeks, try to change your workout as much as possible.
 Change the exercises you use, the number of reps you do for each exercise, and even the order in which you do the exercises.
 Changing the exercises you use will be easier to do after a few more months, when you have plenty of different exercises to choose from.
 As time goes on, you may even want to switch up the number of days you penile exercise each week.
 You will learn more advance techniques as time moves on and each of them will add some tips on how to spruce up your work outs.
The goal is to keep the penis off guard.
 As one penile exercising says, "Irregularity is the number one principle I have followed to make big penis enlargement gains.
 I've gained over three inches and I attribute most of my gains to penile exercising as sporadically as possible.
 I change my entire routine in any way I can.
 One week, for example, I'll penile exercise for three days, then take four days off.
 The next week I'll do it one on and one off.
 The next five on, two off.
 The bottom line: I constantly keep my penis guessing.