- 1). Organize the military gear you have and decide which items you would like to sell. Of course, some things may be dear to your heart, and you may not wish to part with those. However, the chances are that you have lots of military gear that you would happily offload to somebody else.
- 2). Evaluate the current market price for your items, assess the condition and rarity of your gear, and set your prices. For example, if you have a unique Vietnamese compass, it might sell for more than you expect, as there may be a collectors' demand for it. A collector acquires artifacts, and may find historical value in things that appear mundane to you. For example, a collector can look at your Vietnamese compass as a relic from the past that helps us better understand that period of history.
Check eBay to get an idea of how much your items cost. Analyze the available bids. You can view completed bids (the final prices the items were sold for) by clicking "Completed Listings" under the "Show Only" tab on the right of a search page. - 3). Post a sell offer on eBay or similar auction site, or on classified ad websites (e.g., Military.com classifieds). Give a detailed description of your items, and try to highlight their special qualities or utility. Photographs of the items could enhance their attraction to potential buyers. If you have any story that is linked with this military gear, tell it in the product description of your item and make your military gear even more sought after.