Health & Medical Children & Kid Health

Personalised Baby Christening Presents

A treasured landmark in many people's lives is when they meet their new baby for the first time. It's a moment, unique and special to every parent and one that will be remembered throughout their lives. They celebrate this occasion by by presenting baby gifts to the new born. Also, they distribute birth announcement cards to their close friends and relatives informing them about the special moment of their life.

Commonly, parents wait till the child is at least a few months old before arranging a Christening, and there is no rule about what age a child should be when the Christening takes place. As it is a formal occasion, generally christening invitations are sent to family and friends, also traditionally Godparents are chosen for this occasion. Godparents are supposed to possess strong Christian beliefs, in order to guide the child in their faith. Normally much deliberation is placed on choosing the Godparents, as they are essentially chosen to be a supportive figure in the child's life.

Another key part of organising a Christening is selecting the Christening gown. Both boys and girls traditionally wear this, however it is not necessarily commonplace now. Christenings can either take place during a normal Sunday service, with the congregation present, or Christenings can be arranged as private ceremonies for family and friends only. This really depends on the parents' wishes. During the ceremony, the Godparents are asked to make a promise to the child and the Minister/Priest makes a speech relating to the occasion. Sometimes the parents say a few words, but generally the service is short, lasting 30 minutes max. After the Church service, parents normally arrange a reception for the guests. This tends to be a more informal end to the event, where family and friends can greet the baby and celebrate. Many families provide food for the occasion, normally a buffet, but depending on how many guests are invited, some may even provide a meal.

Guests normally give christening gifts to the family for the child. Some parents specify, when inviting guests, what kind of presents they want or that they would prefer no christening gifts to be given, however, generally the guests decide for themselves. Some give gifts for the child, where others give gifts to the parents. Some buy clothing or toys for the child, others choose personalised christening gifts.

Generally personalised christening gifts are the more popular choice for guests when selecting a gift to give to the new baby. Unlike clothes and toys the child will grow out of, personalised christening gifts will last as sentimental keepsakes, holding memories of the child's treasured Christening day. Many companies, specialising in personalised gifts and cards, provide a wonderful range of baby name gifts. These make wonderful christening gifts, and would, most certainly, take pride of place in any family home.

Furthermore, there are several designs and styles to choose from, ranging from large Animal Adventure frames to smaller Animal Initials. These products feature the child's name, which is wonderfully illustrated with different colours and designs and include personal details such as the origin and meaning of the name, the child's date of birth and weight at birth. You can also include a personal message, in fact, you can feature whatever text you want. Trying to choose appropriate and heartfelt Christening Gifts can be hard, so to make things easier on you, take a look at unique selection of Personalised Christening Gifts.

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