"The structures and mechanisms responsible for normal reproductive cell, for reasons unspecified assume an attitude in a given time than the unencumbered self, and global tissue economy. [A] unstoppable genetic hyperactivity"
.. The cells that before they put all their activities in the service of the human body, all of a sudden abandon their behavior and to identify common starting a process of division which in itself does not lead to any end, except that of 'exhaustion of the culture medium .. lose their specific function (written in the core ..) and are dedicated only to the reproduction unrestricted and uncontrolled. Thus begin to follow their goals high and rubbing of the neighboring cells, that the boundaries of the territory. The body in this way helplessly to the progressive change in cell behavior.
.. Cancer exceeds all boundaries - of territory - and breaks down every obstacle, spreads over everything, everything comes into force, is also linked to structures that are alien, does not stop at nothing, almost nothing can stop, is almost immortal and does not fear death. Its aggressive expansion materialistic will end only when all the land will be conquered. Only then - and that is when he will die with the entirebody - you realize that the settlement did not help much.
A: The behavior of cancer cells resembles that of young cells in the embryonic stage [that] have not yet the instructions which then serve them to specialize except for the multiplication.
B: .. Only when the body's immune defenses collapse, the tumor has a chance to form. We know indeed that cancer uses to propagate the immune system, and to do this is masked in order to be recognized as harmless.
[Who gets cancer?]
People of the first type are characterized by disrespectful expansion and realization of their interests. try to build bases anywhere for personal gain (metastases) and to assert only their own ideas and goals, putting us all in the service of his own personal advantage, ignoring and subjugating other people and their ideas. Think like cancer cells, and their growth is so fast that almost never fail to source the raw material for food.
People of the second kind: they have the classic super adaptable personality, try to live as unobtrusive as possible, comply with the rules [cfr.B] and hope to anyone not to weigh with their needs. Unaware of the need for personal growth and psychological development, they do not want to expose themselves in any way. Their lives are devoid of stimuli, as far as possible to avoid new experiences without even remotely close to its limits. The perfect adaptation to social norms can be turned into a parasitic and selfish attitude. Here the cells [live] what should be consciously experienced by man.
People of the Third Kind: do not open against one or more aspects of life, making sure they open the body's defenses. It 'important to remember that we possess in addition to a defense of cell type, a system of psychological protection. Especially after strong events such as death of a loved one, loss of an important work, disappointment in love, etc. You can create the conditions of immunosuppression. When the psychological defenses increase closing, the physical shattered.
Conclusion: The cancer is an expression of our time and our conceptions of the world. We experience ourselves in the form of cancer that we ourselves live. People have cancer because she herself has cancer.
.. The common denominator of all .. personalities predisposed to cancer is the complete lack of love. That is the true medicine, in fact healthy because it makes the love expands the boundaries, it lowers the barriers to enter the other in order to become one (I + T = Self). .. And 'well known that the only organ that can not be attacked by cancer is the Heart. [Check] It is the organic representation of Love, where the blood is the vital fluid that transports the heat (energy) and nutrients (Love) in all body cells.
.. The cells that before they put all their activities in the service of the human body, all of a sudden abandon their behavior and to identify common starting a process of division which in itself does not lead to any end, except that of 'exhaustion of the culture medium .. lose their specific function (written in the core ..) and are dedicated only to the reproduction unrestricted and uncontrolled. Thus begin to follow their goals high and rubbing of the neighboring cells, that the boundaries of the territory. The body in this way helplessly to the progressive change in cell behavior.
.. Cancer exceeds all boundaries - of territory - and breaks down every obstacle, spreads over everything, everything comes into force, is also linked to structures that are alien, does not stop at nothing, almost nothing can stop, is almost immortal and does not fear death. Its aggressive expansion materialistic will end only when all the land will be conquered. Only then - and that is when he will die with the entirebody - you realize that the settlement did not help much.
A: The behavior of cancer cells resembles that of young cells in the embryonic stage [that] have not yet the instructions which then serve them to specialize except for the multiplication.
B: .. Only when the body's immune defenses collapse, the tumor has a chance to form. We know indeed that cancer uses to propagate the immune system, and to do this is masked in order to be recognized as harmless.
[Who gets cancer?]
People of the first type are characterized by disrespectful expansion and realization of their interests. try to build bases anywhere for personal gain (metastases) and to assert only their own ideas and goals, putting us all in the service of his own personal advantage, ignoring and subjugating other people and their ideas. Think like cancer cells, and their growth is so fast that almost never fail to source the raw material for food.
People of the second kind: they have the classic super adaptable personality, try to live as unobtrusive as possible, comply with the rules [cfr.B] and hope to anyone not to weigh with their needs. Unaware of the need for personal growth and psychological development, they do not want to expose themselves in any way. Their lives are devoid of stimuli, as far as possible to avoid new experiences without even remotely close to its limits. The perfect adaptation to social norms can be turned into a parasitic and selfish attitude. Here the cells [live] what should be consciously experienced by man.
People of the Third Kind: do not open against one or more aspects of life, making sure they open the body's defenses. It 'important to remember that we possess in addition to a defense of cell type, a system of psychological protection. Especially after strong events such as death of a loved one, loss of an important work, disappointment in love, etc. You can create the conditions of immunosuppression. When the psychological defenses increase closing, the physical shattered.
Conclusion: The cancer is an expression of our time and our conceptions of the world. We experience ourselves in the form of cancer that we ourselves live. People have cancer because she herself has cancer.
.. The common denominator of all .. personalities predisposed to cancer is the complete lack of love. That is the true medicine, in fact healthy because it makes the love expands the boundaries, it lowers the barriers to enter the other in order to become one (I + T = Self). .. And 'well known that the only organ that can not be attacked by cancer is the Heart. [Check] It is the organic representation of Love, where the blood is the vital fluid that transports the heat (energy) and nutrients (Love) in all body cells.