Divorce. This is a word that is spoken everyday and for me it really isn't surprising. We are living longer and we all made pretty bad decisions in our 20's. The anti divorce folks out there are driven by two groups. The religious and the marriage counselors/sex therapists.
For the religious, they believe in books written thousands of years ago by MEN that they should stay in the union. Women didn't have any say back then. I won't go into details but for those who go by this thought process….please go READ THE WHOLE BOOK and remember what the times were actually like when these desert nomads were writing these stories.
For the marriage counselors/sex therapists, I would only ask you this. Have you ever told a couple that they just don't fit together? Just not compatible….sexually or in any discernable way? OF COURSE NOT!!!! These words will never be spoken by a therapist for two very obvious reasons. 1. Arrogance, because they think they can make people compatible through change….JOKE…. and 2. Money…why would they kill the golden goose? Let's face it….when the cure is found we don't need doctors. What better source of income to a marriage counselor/sex therapist than a couple that is not compatible? This could go on for years or even better until the Porsche is paid off.
I was told once by a very close friend and lover that "No one wants to have an affair". I think we would agree with this. Let's face it when you're happy and the sex is good you don't look elsewhere.
Compatibility when it comes to sex is the biggest clincher. As I said before, this is probably my biggest pet peeve when it comes to therapists. YOU CANNOT MAKE SOMEONE LIKE SOMETHING THEY DON'T…..NO MATTER HOW MANY BOOKS OR MOVIES YOU GET THEM TO READ OR WATCH!!!!! It just doesn't happen. All the SEX TOYS in the world won't help.
Let me give some examples. You can show people that don't like sushi, books on sushi, and magazine articles on how good it is for you and even tell them they will have the greatest sex they have ever had if they would only eat sushi! Guess what……people that don't like sushi will never eat it! Raw oysters have been claimed to be an aphrodisiac for ever but we all know many that will never try them. Example 2. If you tell a gay man that he now needs to be attracted to a women and start having straight sex because that's what will make SOMEONE ELSE happy….will he? OF COURSE NOT!!! It's not a choice.
We all know what we like to do and to be done to us. Some like giving and some like receiving. Sucking, licking, fingering, straight, gay, bondage, swinging and I could on and on and on and none would be wrong. There is only one miss and this is where marriage counselors/sex therapist's arrogance is the most apparent. You cannot reprogram your patients (or I should say customers).
If her favorite thing in the world is to be gone down on all night than she better be with someone who likes going down on her all night.( I use this example because this is what I like to do) Having this done to me is nice but I get off on giving. If the person she is with isn't good at this (and the reason people are NOT good at something is because they don't like doing it) do you think he ever will? OF COURSE NOT!!! Remember my examples? You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink.
It will never change when it comes to sex. You know what you like or think you do but you DEFINITELY KNOW WHAT YOU DON'T LIKE and when it comes to sex and relationships you must have that in common. If you like to receive don't be with someone selfish that doesn't like giving. If you like to give you have to be with someone who likes to lay back, shut their eyes and cum without guilt. Sorry if this bursts any bubbles out there therapists but I would suggest being HONEST with your patients (customers) when they fall into this hell that you leave them in because of profit. Just remember when a woman says "my husband sucks in bed" she means it!
Cunnilingus = Sexology Erotic stimulation of the female external sex organs with the tongue/lips of a partner, as part of normal loveplay which may induce orgasm.
Fellatio = Oral stimulation of the male genitalia.
Doc D
For the religious, they believe in books written thousands of years ago by MEN that they should stay in the union. Women didn't have any say back then. I won't go into details but for those who go by this thought process….please go READ THE WHOLE BOOK and remember what the times were actually like when these desert nomads were writing these stories.
For the marriage counselors/sex therapists, I would only ask you this. Have you ever told a couple that they just don't fit together? Just not compatible….sexually or in any discernable way? OF COURSE NOT!!!! These words will never be spoken by a therapist for two very obvious reasons. 1. Arrogance, because they think they can make people compatible through change….JOKE…. and 2. Money…why would they kill the golden goose? Let's face it….when the cure is found we don't need doctors. What better source of income to a marriage counselor/sex therapist than a couple that is not compatible? This could go on for years or even better until the Porsche is paid off.
I was told once by a very close friend and lover that "No one wants to have an affair". I think we would agree with this. Let's face it when you're happy and the sex is good you don't look elsewhere.
Compatibility when it comes to sex is the biggest clincher. As I said before, this is probably my biggest pet peeve when it comes to therapists. YOU CANNOT MAKE SOMEONE LIKE SOMETHING THEY DON'T…..NO MATTER HOW MANY BOOKS OR MOVIES YOU GET THEM TO READ OR WATCH!!!!! It just doesn't happen. All the SEX TOYS in the world won't help.
Let me give some examples. You can show people that don't like sushi, books on sushi, and magazine articles on how good it is for you and even tell them they will have the greatest sex they have ever had if they would only eat sushi! Guess what……people that don't like sushi will never eat it! Raw oysters have been claimed to be an aphrodisiac for ever but we all know many that will never try them. Example 2. If you tell a gay man that he now needs to be attracted to a women and start having straight sex because that's what will make SOMEONE ELSE happy….will he? OF COURSE NOT!!! It's not a choice.
We all know what we like to do and to be done to us. Some like giving and some like receiving. Sucking, licking, fingering, straight, gay, bondage, swinging and I could on and on and on and none would be wrong. There is only one miss and this is where marriage counselors/sex therapist's arrogance is the most apparent. You cannot reprogram your patients (or I should say customers).
If her favorite thing in the world is to be gone down on all night than she better be with someone who likes going down on her all night.( I use this example because this is what I like to do) Having this done to me is nice but I get off on giving. If the person she is with isn't good at this (and the reason people are NOT good at something is because they don't like doing it) do you think he ever will? OF COURSE NOT!!! Remember my examples? You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink.
It will never change when it comes to sex. You know what you like or think you do but you DEFINITELY KNOW WHAT YOU DON'T LIKE and when it comes to sex and relationships you must have that in common. If you like to receive don't be with someone selfish that doesn't like giving. If you like to give you have to be with someone who likes to lay back, shut their eyes and cum without guilt. Sorry if this bursts any bubbles out there therapists but I would suggest being HONEST with your patients (customers) when they fall into this hell that you leave them in because of profit. Just remember when a woman says "my husband sucks in bed" she means it!
Cunnilingus = Sexology Erotic stimulation of the female external sex organs with the tongue/lips of a partner, as part of normal loveplay which may induce orgasm.
Fellatio = Oral stimulation of the male genitalia.
Doc D