DPS Software clients have successfully completed a month of making their submissions using the re-launched version of LSC Online, an online billing and e-business tool. DPS were one of the selected software providers from the South region to participate in a pilot group testing the system in its infancy.
DPS One Office Crime CDS system clients will benefit from the new and improved LSC Online submission process. One Office Crime CDS system contracting operates according to the latest criminal Publicly Funded & Franchising criteria. The system is designed for the Criminal Practitioner who wants to be free of the time consuming aspects of the criminal franchising procedure, yet needs the control provided by it.
A unique and powerful system, it can literally save hours of valuable fee earning time and facilitates accurate and efficient billing. Bulk data entry, or 'bulk load', allows claim data on databases from a Case Management System or a dedicated spreadsheet to be saved in a special format and imported directly into LSC Online.
September has proved to be a busy month for Online Support with the VAT changes to criminal submissions, the new bulkload spreadsheet and the re-launch of LSC to the first wave of providers.
The LSC chose to introduce providers back onto the system in smaller groups to allow them to effectively manage and support each group.
The information and feedback that the LSC have collected from the initial group of providers using the system will be used to enhance and refine the system and training so that future users will benefit in the coming months.
DPS clients were among the first users to benefit from this new system. The LSC have found that the system has worked effectively for its first users. So far, the LSC have received 411 submissions online and 90% of the anticipated number of July submissions were made by the 20th August deadline.
The level of training and support the LSC have offered has been instrumental to the success of the re-launch. Providers have attended free local training workshops designed to give an overview of the system and functions, offer help in making submissions and answer technical questions and troubleshooting.
Training materials for the new system include: interactive training modules on CD-ROM, new and improved user guides as well as updated training pages on the LSC Website.
In addition, LSC staff who have been working alongside providers now using LSC Online have been given training in the system from both an internal LSC user and external provider perspective. To further support its users, the LSC have expanded their Online Support Team to ensure that prompt and effective answers and guidance are available to providers.
During the re-launch process, the LSC have been committed to ensuring that providers' payments are protected, that LSC Online functions effectively, and that the re-launch of the system is as straightforward as possible.
DPS clients can expect to benefit from a more efficient submission process, thanks to the new and improved LSC Online billing and business tool.
DPS One Office Crime CDS system clients will benefit from the new and improved LSC Online submission process. One Office Crime CDS system contracting operates according to the latest criminal Publicly Funded & Franchising criteria. The system is designed for the Criminal Practitioner who wants to be free of the time consuming aspects of the criminal franchising procedure, yet needs the control provided by it.
A unique and powerful system, it can literally save hours of valuable fee earning time and facilitates accurate and efficient billing. Bulk data entry, or 'bulk load', allows claim data on databases from a Case Management System or a dedicated spreadsheet to be saved in a special format and imported directly into LSC Online.
September has proved to be a busy month for Online Support with the VAT changes to criminal submissions, the new bulkload spreadsheet and the re-launch of LSC to the first wave of providers.
The LSC chose to introduce providers back onto the system in smaller groups to allow them to effectively manage and support each group.
The information and feedback that the LSC have collected from the initial group of providers using the system will be used to enhance and refine the system and training so that future users will benefit in the coming months.
DPS clients were among the first users to benefit from this new system. The LSC have found that the system has worked effectively for its first users. So far, the LSC have received 411 submissions online and 90% of the anticipated number of July submissions were made by the 20th August deadline.
The level of training and support the LSC have offered has been instrumental to the success of the re-launch. Providers have attended free local training workshops designed to give an overview of the system and functions, offer help in making submissions and answer technical questions and troubleshooting.
Training materials for the new system include: interactive training modules on CD-ROM, new and improved user guides as well as updated training pages on the LSC Website.
In addition, LSC staff who have been working alongside providers now using LSC Online have been given training in the system from both an internal LSC user and external provider perspective. To further support its users, the LSC have expanded their Online Support Team to ensure that prompt and effective answers and guidance are available to providers.
During the re-launch process, the LSC have been committed to ensuring that providers' payments are protected, that LSC Online functions effectively, and that the re-launch of the system is as straightforward as possible.
DPS clients can expect to benefit from a more efficient submission process, thanks to the new and improved LSC Online billing and business tool.