Law & Legal & Attorney Law & Legal & Attorney

Tips for Entering Court on a DWI or DUI Charge

Being arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI) or driving under the influence (DUI) is stressful enough. Do not make the situation worse by dressing or acting inappropriately in court. Hiring a qualified attorney such as those at the law firm of Ianniello Anderson, P.C., in Saratoga Springs, NY, is a good start. Your lawyer will likely give you a lot of tips prior to your court date, but here are some things that are important to know before you go.

The Golden Rule of Dressing

Everyone has heard the golden rule—treat others the way you would like to be treated. But not everyone knows the golden rule of dressing appropriately for court. If you want to be treated with respect and want the judge to take you seriously, dress the part. This means modest, clean, well-pressed clothing for both men and women. Men should plan on wearing a suit and tie and for women, dressing respectfully for court will mean wearing neat and freshly pressed slacks, a skirt, or dress.

Do Not Bring in Any Overbearing Smells

If you are a smoker, try to go without smoking immediately preceding your court appointment. Make sure that you are thoroughly showered and bathed before court. Loading up with cologne or perfume or other scented sprays or fragrances is not a great alternative to showering or even something that you would want to do in addition to your hygiene regime. Any overbearing or strong smells either way can be distracting and off-putting.

Leave the Kids at Home

Perhaps you want to paint a picture of a family man or a desperate stay at home mom to the judge, so you bring your kids. However, this is a very bad idea. Even if you bring along a nanny or babysitter to keep the kids under control during your hearing, having your children at your court appointment is just never a good idea. If the kids act up or are louder than the judge would like, you will likely be asked to leave. However, if there is absolutely no way around it, bring the kids rather than just missing your court date altogether. Just bring the babysitter and have them stay out in the hall if at all possible.

Manage Your Expectations

If you have hired your own lawyer to represent you in your case, then you can reasonably expect that your case will be seen sooner than those who have public defenders. Be patient and on time, and that way, you will be prepared regardless of what time the judge sees you. There may be a heavier load of cases to be seen that day, or there might be something else going on causing delays. It is best to arrive at court early and prepare for a longer wait. If you have a public defender, know that the judge will likely be seeing those cases that are represented by private lawyers first. Although many of these things might seem like common sense, they are not common sense to everybody. Anytime you are making a court appearance, make sure you are working with a qualified attorney like those at the law firm of Ianniello Anderson, P.C., in Saratoga Springs, NY. 
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