Society & Culture & Entertainment Radio & Television

The Glee TV Series - A Non Fan Looks at the Phenomenon

Glee, the all singing, all dancing TV sensation is taking the world by storm.
While inevitable comparisons to High School Musical are being made left, right and centre, the Glee series it taking a bit of a different direction to those movies.
It tends to show that characters aren't perfect, and on the whole is a little more realistic than the Zac Efron/Vanessa Hudgens circus.
Glee's second season is coming, and rumours are already circulating of a Glee feature film adaptation, but for now it is staying on TV, where it is garnering massive audience figures with audiences.
It isn't just happening stateside either, as Glee mania has gripped fans around the world.
The soundtrack CDs of music from the Glee TV series are proving to be huge hits with fans, as is the infamous cover version of 'Don't Stop Believing' by classic rock act Journey.
Ok, so it may come across as sugary and relentlessly twee, it does have its redeeming factors.
The characters aren't perfect, skinny, immaculate idols.
Many of them come across as normal, with regular problems and issues.
Sure, the show is about as hard hitting as Pokemon, but it has its worth.
While the Glee TV series is far from original, it has really tapped into the fanbase that was left reeling by the end of High School Musical, and in the process it is gathering even more fans, all of whom want more singing and dancing comedy drama in their lives.
In essence, it is filling fans with glee.
As bad as that pun is, it would appear to be true! I must stress that I am not a fan in any way, shape or form.
However, I do genuinely believe that a TV show with a positive message, that follows a collection of underdog characters, certainly has its place on our screens.
I may actively dislike the show, but there are millions of people that love it, and I can't begrudge them that, as it is an inoffensive and entertaining series that a great many people are getting something out of.
The Glee TV series is carrying on a fine tradition of aspirational TV shows for viewers going through the normal changes of life, picking up the baton from shows such as Fame and its ilk.
With Glee merchandise proving to be highly sought after, and each episode generating more fans and more discussion, it's a pretty safe bet that the Glee TV series will be around for some time yet.
This is something that, to its many fans, is really worth a song and dance.
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