- 1). Go to www.4checks.com. Locate "Check Products" on the left side of your screen on the main page. Choose which category of checks you need to buy. For this example, click "Personal Checks."
- 2). Review the different types of designs to choose from. For this example, we'll use "Island Paradise." It's the last design on the first page. Click either the picture of the preview or "Order Now" to advance to the next screen to choose how many checks you want to order.
- 3). Click the picture of the checks on the next page to view them larger. You can decide here if they are what you want or to go back to choose a different design.
- 4). Review the tabs on the page that say "Description," "Special Pricing" and "Value Pack." If you are a first-time customer, this site offers special value packs and discounts.
- 5). Locate the "Order Now" box if you are ready to order. Click the check box next to "Island Paradise Checks" and choose how many boxes you want under the drop-down menu. Checks normally come 150 to 200 in a box, depending on if you get single or duplicate. Then under the next drop-down box, choose single or duplicate, and choose any other additional items, and click "Add to Cart."
- 6). Review the items you want to purchase. If you want to add anything else to your order, click "Continue Shopping." It will also tell you on this page how much you saved by ordering through them and not your bank. If you are finished shopping, click "Checkout."
- 7). Choose any other items to add personalization to your checks. This step is optional, so if you do not want anything further, click "Submit & Continue" near the bottom of the page.
- 8). Fill out the form on the next page. This is the information that will be printed on your checks, so be sure to fill out everything correctly. The first section is your personal information, and the following section is your bank information. Choose the EZShield option if desired (although not required.)
- 9). Preview your information on the next screen, and if everything is correct, submit. On the following page you'll be able to enter any special codes if applicable. Click "Submit & Continue" to move to the Shipping & Billing page.
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Enter your billing information, choose whether you want to expedite your order, and choose your method and price of shipping. Once these fields are all filled in and checked, click "Submit & Continue." On the last page, review all of your information and submit your order.