Many professionals in the Health care and social work field become stressed and disillusioned in their work, even though they enjoy helping people.
They are normally also not very well rewarded either financially or in terms of recognition, this allied to the type of work and situations encountered, means that the people involved in this type of industry need the same level of concern help and support that is given to the people in their care, this rarely is the case, and those working in the field end up leaving due to stress, depression and burnout.
It is very easy for those who work in the Health care field to take on the worries and pressures of the people they are trying to help this happens through resonance (the law of attraction).
There are ways to prevent this from happening which everyone can apply.
Everything is comprised of energy and vibrations the higher the energy the more Positive and happy we are, the lower the energy the more negative and lethargic we are.
The people we are with, the way we think and our activities affect our energy levels.
We will be able to take on the energy that lifts us up and deflect the low energy that brings us down.
The two extremes of this energy are Love and Fear.
Pure Un-conditional Love is the highest energy there is and therefore has access to the multi-dimensional universe we operate in, that means whether we know it or believe it or not we affect everything around us on a local and non-local level.
The more aware we are of how this works in our lives and in the universe the more happy and productive we will be, It will also enable us to achieve goals more effectively with awareness and application.
Judging people by our own standards and worrying about peoples lives and futures over which we have limited control, also brings further low energy, so understanding the energy field we can choose to be affected by our environment or effect our environment.
The situation we are in determines the most appropriate action.
I spent a month in a mental health hospital as a patient not a visitor and saw this at first hand, the only way that a lot of professionals can see to get out of this cycle is by caring less and just doing there job, this affects those around them as well and the patients who pick up on this.
There is a saying love hurts, if you could create a love of your job that did not hurt you it would go so much better, and you would be creating more than you could ever know.
If you are interested in finding out more or want to apply these principles and more to your life let me know.
They are normally also not very well rewarded either financially or in terms of recognition, this allied to the type of work and situations encountered, means that the people involved in this type of industry need the same level of concern help and support that is given to the people in their care, this rarely is the case, and those working in the field end up leaving due to stress, depression and burnout.
It is very easy for those who work in the Health care field to take on the worries and pressures of the people they are trying to help this happens through resonance (the law of attraction).
There are ways to prevent this from happening which everyone can apply.
Everything is comprised of energy and vibrations the higher the energy the more Positive and happy we are, the lower the energy the more negative and lethargic we are.
The people we are with, the way we think and our activities affect our energy levels.
We will be able to take on the energy that lifts us up and deflect the low energy that brings us down.
The two extremes of this energy are Love and Fear.
Pure Un-conditional Love is the highest energy there is and therefore has access to the multi-dimensional universe we operate in, that means whether we know it or believe it or not we affect everything around us on a local and non-local level.
The more aware we are of how this works in our lives and in the universe the more happy and productive we will be, It will also enable us to achieve goals more effectively with awareness and application.
Judging people by our own standards and worrying about peoples lives and futures over which we have limited control, also brings further low energy, so understanding the energy field we can choose to be affected by our environment or effect our environment.
The situation we are in determines the most appropriate action.
I spent a month in a mental health hospital as a patient not a visitor and saw this at first hand, the only way that a lot of professionals can see to get out of this cycle is by caring less and just doing there job, this affects those around them as well and the patients who pick up on this.
There is a saying love hurts, if you could create a love of your job that did not hurt you it would go so much better, and you would be creating more than you could ever know.
If you are interested in finding out more or want to apply these principles and more to your life let me know.