Has your health habit of taking a yearly flu shot become a victim of someone else's profit margin -i.
a pharmaceutical company that produces the vaccine? Senior citizens, wanting to stay well through the winter, often are willing to stand in line to get one.
Unfortunately they don't know that it weakens immunity, and worse.
For years we have been brain washed into thinking it is a yearly necessity.
Who profits - you or the big corporations that produce the vaccine?Are they really concerned about your welfare rather than their "bottom line"?Do they ever mention the Alzheimer's risk? Here are some facts to consider as you make up your mind.
When supplies of vaccine are limited, priority is given to senior citizens and health care workers and young children.
Health care workers are opting less for flu shots because they are aware of the health hazards.
Less than 40% of health care workers took flu shots in 2006.
Protection for the elderly can be as low as 30%.
even when they take the shot.
The numbers of deaths from the flu in the 65+ group has been misrepresented.
Deaths from pneumonia have been included with the flu deaths.
In 2005 the CDC reported 62,804 deaths from the flu.
Actually, there were 60,998 deaths from pneumonia and 1806 from the flu.
The CDC reports that 90% of deaths from influenza occur among the elderly.
It is nearly impossible to credit the flu vaccine for prolonging lives in this age group, since 65% of all deaths from all causes happens among the elderly.
BUT, the biggest cause for concern to me is what has been reported by Dr.
Hugh Fudenberg, MD, a brilliant and renowned immunogeneticist and biologist, that if you had 5 consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the years of his study) your chance of developing Alzheimer's is 10 times higher than if you had had none or 1 or 2 shots.
That is scary! When I learned that, I took no more flu shots.
He said that what causes the cognitive dysfunction is the buildup of mercury and aluminum in the brain from the shot.
Here's how to stay healthy without a flu shot: 1.
Get plenty of sunshine and vitamin D, and take Omega 3's.
Take daily a good liquid completely absorbable multivitamin/mineral supplement.
Avoid sugar (it is an immune system depressant).
Get adequate sleep and avoid getting overstressed.
Wash your hands frequently and avoid close contact with sick people.
Exercise regularly.
You don't need a flu shot to stay well unless your immune system is compromised, in which case you should follow your doctor's advice.
For more information please go now to my Resource Box.
a pharmaceutical company that produces the vaccine? Senior citizens, wanting to stay well through the winter, often are willing to stand in line to get one.
Unfortunately they don't know that it weakens immunity, and worse.
For years we have been brain washed into thinking it is a yearly necessity.
Who profits - you or the big corporations that produce the vaccine?Are they really concerned about your welfare rather than their "bottom line"?Do they ever mention the Alzheimer's risk? Here are some facts to consider as you make up your mind.
When supplies of vaccine are limited, priority is given to senior citizens and health care workers and young children.
Health care workers are opting less for flu shots because they are aware of the health hazards.
Less than 40% of health care workers took flu shots in 2006.
Protection for the elderly can be as low as 30%.
even when they take the shot.
The numbers of deaths from the flu in the 65+ group has been misrepresented.
Deaths from pneumonia have been included with the flu deaths.
In 2005 the CDC reported 62,804 deaths from the flu.
Actually, there were 60,998 deaths from pneumonia and 1806 from the flu.
The CDC reports that 90% of deaths from influenza occur among the elderly.
It is nearly impossible to credit the flu vaccine for prolonging lives in this age group, since 65% of all deaths from all causes happens among the elderly.
BUT, the biggest cause for concern to me is what has been reported by Dr.
Hugh Fudenberg, MD, a brilliant and renowned immunogeneticist and biologist, that if you had 5 consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the years of his study) your chance of developing Alzheimer's is 10 times higher than if you had had none or 1 or 2 shots.
That is scary! When I learned that, I took no more flu shots.
He said that what causes the cognitive dysfunction is the buildup of mercury and aluminum in the brain from the shot.
Here's how to stay healthy without a flu shot: 1.
Get plenty of sunshine and vitamin D, and take Omega 3's.
Take daily a good liquid completely absorbable multivitamin/mineral supplement.
Avoid sugar (it is an immune system depressant).
Get adequate sleep and avoid getting overstressed.
Wash your hands frequently and avoid close contact with sick people.
Exercise regularly.
You don't need a flu shot to stay well unless your immune system is compromised, in which case you should follow your doctor's advice.
For more information please go now to my Resource Box.