Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Colorectal Cancer - She Declined Chemotherapy and Opted for Herbs

Amy (not real name) was 48 years old when she was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon (caecum) cancer in 2001.
She underwent a hemicolectomy on 5 November 2001.
The histopathology report indicated: "moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of caecum involving pericolic fat.
The pericolic (6/10) and apical nodes (2/2) are involved by metastatic tumour (Duke C 2.
T3 N2 Mx).
The resected margin are free.
" Her surgeon recommended chemotherapy but Amy declined.
She opted for herbs instead.
She came to CA Care in November 2001 and was started on herbs: Capsule A, GI (1) Tea, Lympho-Tea (stopped mid-2006) and C-tea.
She has been taking these herbs "religiously" ever since.
It has been six years and Amy is doing fine.
Over the years she had gone back to her surgeon for surveillance check up and there was nothing amiss.
I met up with Amy and her husband on 18 September 2006 and had a chat.
Question: You underwent an operation but did not go for chemotherapy, radiotherapy or take any doctor's medication? You started to take herbs and are still doing so up to this day.
Are you a healthy person - are you okay? Amy: Yes, I am healthy.
I think I am healthier now than I was before.
This is because I don't have any more gastric problem -- unless of course when I over-eat or when I am hungry.
Otherwise, I don't have any gastric problem.
I sleep better.
Energy wise I am good.
Before I was on the herbs, I would be sleepy by 9 to 10 p.
Just one or two weeks after I started to take the herbs until this day, I am still not sleepy even if it is 12 mid-night.
And remember, I wake up at 6 o'clock every morning.
Even that, I feel fresh the whole day and I don't feel sleepy or tired and am full of energy.
I don't need to sleep in the afternoon.
Q: After the surgery, were you asked to go for chemotherapy? Husband: After the operation, the doctor was asking us to start chemotherapy as soon as possible.
To the doctor, we must not delay this treatment.
A: The operation was done on 5 November.
A week later, I had to go back to the hospital for a follow up examination.
The doctor told me that I would need to go for 30 sessions of chemotherapy.
One week would be 5 sessions.
I would then have to take two or three weeks rest and then start the cycle again.
The doctor was telling me that I must do this quickly if not the cancer can come back again.
I was asked to fix a chemo-pot but I declined.
After this, I decided to come to CA Care instead.
Q: After you decided to take herbs instead of undergoing chemotherapy, did you get any pressure from your doctors -- that this might not be the right approach? Husband: No.
This was because we did not go back to the oncologist any more.
If we were to go back to him, we might get such "pressure".
We started to take the herbs.
She was not getting worse.
Instead she was getting better.
So, we shut our mind to all other external pressures or advice and kept our focus on the herbs and on what we have decided to do.
Q: How did you feel after talking to the oncologist? A: I felt very depressed.
I did not like the way he talked to me.
It appeared like he wanted to do business --then he said, you must do this and do that.
He was not kind like the other doctors.
He was very insensitive.
We were very unhappy and decided to come and see you instead.
Husband:After we saw the oncologist, we knew that we could not "click" with him.
On the other hand, the surgeon was a very kind man.
When we told him that we would not go for chemotherapy, he said: "Do what you believe in.
" He was more supportive than the oncologist who was not friendly at all.
We never went back to see the oncologist ever again.
A: In fact to this day, my surgeon is very supportive.
When I went back for my routine check up, he still enquired if I was still taking the herbs.
He also asked if I ate meat, and that I was still on vegetables, etc.
I think my surgeon was very happy to see me well.
Husband: We were very fortunately to have a nice and kind surgeon.
Q: If you look back, would you do the same thing all over again with regards to your cancer treatment? A: I am satisfied with what I have gone through and what I did.
There were no regrets.
I still remember what my husband told me: "Amy, if you do not want to go for chemotherapy and wanted to go on the herbs, you have to believe in what you are going to do.
If you don't believe that the herbs are going to work for you, then don't take them.
I want you to put in your heart and soul to do this".
Q: Besides taking the herbs and following our diet recommendation, did you take any other herbs or supplements? A: No supplements.
I took fruit juices for the first few years.
It was only later that I started to take fish oil and sometimes garlic pills.
Apart from that I was and am entirely on your herbs.
Q: After taking the herbs, how long did you get to experience their effects? A: When I first came to collect the herbs, I was told that I would pass out a lot of smelly stools.
That would be the first sign of cleansing.
It happened exactly like I was told when I started the herbs.
I passed out a lot of dark stools.
The smell was real awful.
I felt exhausted after this cleansing.
This process went on for about 5 to 6 days after I started to take the herbs.
Then, things gradually went back to normal.
Q: After taking the herbs for a week, did you feel any better? A: Of course.
I felt better.
I was not sleepy anymore.
Energy wise I was better.
Q: Over this five years, did the herbs and CA Care made any impact on you? A: Yes, of course.
When we came to collect herbs, Khadijah and Johan always have a lot of good words and encouragement for me.
Then, I also remember when I came here and I met you.
You talked to me and gave encouraging advice.
These words still stuck with me.
You said: "It is not the herbs alone - it is also your will to live and wanting to get well.
Besides, patients must keep to their good diet".
"Laska" was my favorite food.
Because of your words, I dared not eat "laksa" for many years!
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